Cancer of the bronchi

With cancer of the bronchi in the body, a malignant neoplasm is found. It develops directly from the epithelium and bronchial glands. Disease is dangerous. But if you find it in time, you can achieve success in treatment.

Causes and Symptoms of Bronchial Cancer

The only reason for the appearance of oncology is not. Disadvantages are:

Very often bronchial cancer develops as a complication of oncology that affects the lungs.

The first symptom of the disease is a cough. It can be dry or wet, but uninterrupted and unaffordable. In later stages of expectoration, sputum is colored pink or the veins of blood are visible in it. Some patients have a slightly elevated temperature.

The advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchi is characterized by a sharp decrease in weight, wheezing, pain in the chest, weakness, apathy, shortness of breath, fever.

Diagnosis and treatment of cancer

Diagnosing cancer of the bronchi is very difficult. On the initial stages it is often confused with pleurisy or pneumonia. To ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo a full range of examinations.

Some patients with bronchial cancer prefer treatment with folk remedies. Certainly, they help someone. And yet for the beginning it is necessary to turn to traditional methods: chemotherapy, lobectomy, radiotherapy.

Prognosis of bronchial cancer

It all depends on when the disease is diagnosed. With timely detection and proper treatment, about 80% of patients recover.