Papillary carcinoma - how to detect and treat thyroid cancer in time?

Among diseases of the thyroid gland, which are becoming more common in recent years, one of the most dangerous is papillary carcinoma. This diagnosis sounds threatening to the patient, but in fact, medicine successfully treats this pathology, if revealed at an early stage.

Papillary carcinoma - what is it?

Papillary carcinoma is a neoplasm that forms in the tissues of the thyroid gland in the form of a cyst or an uneven tumor. Often one of the parts of the organ is affected. The majority of patients with this diagnosis are women over 40-50 years old, although the disease does not even welcome children. The increase in the incidence of this form of cancer is growing in developed countries, but there is a possibility that this is due to the development of technologies that allow detection of previously untested micro-tumors.

The thyroid gland is the most important organ of the endocrine system, located at the base of the neck in front, which produces hormones involved in the regulation of breathing, cardiac activity, hematopoiesis, digestion, maintaining normal body temperature and so on. Cancer of the thyroid leads to systemic disorders in the body, and when it spreads to other organs, it seriously burdens the prognosis for recovery.

Iron-papillary carcinoma

Papillary thyroid carcinoma is formed inside the organ from healthy glandular tissues that begin to undergo an uncontrolled mutation. Neoplasm is dense, dotted with multiple small papillae, in a section of brown color. The cells of such a tumor almost do not differ from healthy ones, in view of which it is classified as highly differentiated. Papillary carcinoma grows slowly, inactive starts up metastases. Initially, the tumor is mobile, the resistance appears when it grows into the lymph nodes.

Papillary carcinoma - follicular variant

This is a more serious type of papillary carcinoma, considered aggressive, but it is several times less common. The structure of the tumor in this case consists of follicular cells containing a colloid substance and thyroid hormones, with an abnormal growth of which a knot is formed. In appearance, this is a rounded formation surrounded by a fibrous capsule (encapsulated papillary thyroid carcinoma). The tumor tends to germinate into the lymph nodes, the vessels surrounding the tissues, often metastasizes to remote areas.

Causes of Thyroid Cancer

Specialists identify the following possible causes of thyroid cancer:

Papillary thyroid cancer - symptoms

For a long time, the papillary thyroid carcinoma can not manifest itself in any way (even for several years), and at the initial stages of malignant tumor development a person does not know anything. Only when certain sizes of the tumor are reached, when it is possible to probe it, discomfortable sensations appear:

These symptoms are not considered specific and may resemble manifestations of colds, tonsillitis. Their distinctive feature is that the first signs are noted for a long period. As the tumor grows and cancer cells spread to neighboring tissues, other symptoms appear:

Papillary thyroid carcinoma - stages

Depending on the size, prevalence of the tumor, the presence of metastases, the papillary carcinoma of the thyroid can be classified as one of the stages of development:

Papillary carcinoma - metastases

Growing papillary serous carcinoma can produce metastases - secondary malignant foci that spread lymphogenously or with blood flow. Often, metastases are found in such organs and tissues:

Suspected the presence of metastases is possible by such signs:

Papillary thyroid cancer - diagnosis

Thyroid gland endocrinologist can reveal palpation, but only if it has reached a diameter of 1 cm or more and does not lie deep in the gland tissues. In addition, you can suspect the development of the disease by feeling the lymph nodes, which in this case increase in size. To diagnose cancer and determine its type, the following methods are used:

  1. Study with radioactive iodine, in which nodes with reduced function of the gland are detected.
  2. Ultrasonic diagnosis - to detect formations lying in non-palpable areas.
  3. Computer and magnetic resonance imaging - necessary to assess the scale and prevalence of cancer.
  4. The analysis of blood on hormones - allows to estimate functioning of a thyroid gland, to define the hormonal status.
  5. The most accurate method is fine-needle aspiration biopsy . During this low-traumatic procedure, a small piece of tumor is collected through a puncture. Further, the biomaterial is subjected to a cytological and histological laboratory study to determine the type, stage and extent of the pathology. The cytological picture of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland is characterized by the following features:

Papillary thyroid carcinoma - treatment

Since this type of tumor is not very sensitive to radiation therapy, papillary thyroid cancer treatment is based on a complex of such techniques:

Papillary carcinoma is an operation

Treatment of papillary carcinoma by an operative method is carried out under general anesthesia. If the size of the lesion does not exceed one centimeter, it is possible to partially remove the organ. In other cases, it may be necessary to completely remove the gland, nearby affected tissues and lymph nodes. If the carcinoma sprouted into the trachea and touched the laryngeal nerve, it is considered inoperable, and it is irradiated. In addition, papillary carcinoma is not subject to removal with extensive metastases and in the case of serious pathologies from the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Papillary thyroid cancer - treatment with folk remedies

If a glandular or follicular variant of the papillary thyroid carcinoma is diagnosed, no folk methods can replace the traditional treatment. Only as a supplement with the permission of a doctor, some means may be used. So, traditional healers recommend tea, which has a blood-purifying and oncoprotective properties.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

  1. Connect the herbs, mix.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of collection with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid.
  3. Ten minutes later strain.
  4. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning for half an hour before eating.

Papillary thyroid carcinoma - prognosis

Among patients in whom papillary thyroid carcinoma is diagnosed, the survival rate of 10 years or more is about 90%, subject to early diagnosis and proper treatment. If the disease is detected in the second stage, the five-year survival rate after treatment is 55%, in the third stage - 35%, and on the fourth stage - 15%. The advantage of the prognosis, in addition to the stage of the disease and the adequacy of treatment, is influenced by the age of the patient, the general condition of the organism, and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.