Whiskey at home

Whiskey - a fragrant alcoholic and quite strong drink, which is made from various types of grain by special technology. You can also try to cook it yourself. Of course, the resulting drink will be slightly different from the original, but all guests will be firmly confident in its quality. When making whiskey, you can use rye, barley, grapes, wheat or corn. The color of the drink is usually from light yellow to brown. Today we will tell you how to make homemade whiskey.

Whiskey Recipe at Home



To prepare whiskey at home, we corn the corn to the state of shallow grains, combine it with flour and pour into a large capacity of 50 liters. Then pour the mixture with boiled water, light a fire under a saucepan and boil the prepared must for about 5 hours, stirring occasionally. As a result, we should get a liquid homogeneous gruel. After that, turn off the fire, cover the pan with a blanket and let its contents slowly cool down to about 60 ° C. Now add to the mixture yeast, malt, mix and leave for fermentation for about a week. The resulting brag will be slightly bitter, but it's normal. Using the home-made device, distill alcohol and clean the drink with a carbon filter. Further we pour it on the bottles, at the bottom each we throw a few oak chips and close the lids. Forget about the drink for about a year and after that we measure the strength of the resulting whiskey, which should be within 40-45 degrees.

Recipe for homemade whiskey from moonshine



So, bark oak soak in a glass of vodka and leave for a few hours. Then add the natural sherry, liquid smoke, sugar syrup and pour in the moonshine. Well, almost everything, "extract" or concentrate of this whiskey is ready. Now begin to dilute the resulting mixture with the remaining vodka, sniffing and tasting the resulting drink. Then left to work on the color of the future whiskey. Although we have already achieved a certain neutral color, but if you want to get a more sustained and saturated drink, then we add food colors. That's all, homemade whiskey from the moonshine is ready!