Flaxseed Diet

Flaxseed diet is one of the most simple and easy to implement diets. There are no exotic products, nor the need to prepare a special dish every time. Using such a diet, you can lose weight in normal for the body rate - up to 5 kg per month. The use of linseed oil and seed for weight loss is a general beneficial effect on the body - your hair, skin and nails will be great!

Diet on linseed porridge (flour)

In order to lose weight, you can use a variety of varieties of linen products. There is an option that offers to prepare a linseed kisel-porridge for weight loss. Eat so need for one week. The diet is strict:

  1. Breakfast : 4 tablespoons of linseed flour, pour 4 tablespoons of boiling water, cover, leave for 10 minutes. During this time, rub the apple and mix it with the porridge - breakfast is ready! After half an hour you can drink a cup of tea without sugar.
  2. The second breakfast : a salad of carrots and an orange, to it - a slice of whole grain bread.
  3. Lunch : prepare a lean soup from any vegetables without frying and butter. It is allowed to eat a cup of soup and a small piece of boiled chicken breast (cook it separately, do not use the broth).
  4. Afternoon snack : put a spoonful of flaxseed into a glass of skimmed yogurt, mix thoroughly and slowly drink.
  5. Dinner : a portion of fish with a lemon juice.

After a week of such a diet, you will get used to eating fractional, correct and low-calorie, which will allow you to save the result.

Flaxseed Diet

Flax seeds for weight loss can be used in a variety of ways: for example, replace your usual dinner with a combination of "flax seed + kefir". This gives a slow but consistent result. You can sit on such a diet for as long as you like, especially if you alternate flax seed with flax flour (this is the same seed, but ground, and if you have a coffee grinder, do not be lazy to do it yourself).

Diet with linseed oil

Such a diet is suitable for cleansing the body, but it is forbidden to those who have kidney stones or liver disease. All the rest are recommended to use it as a diet-unloading one day after the holidays.

  1. After waking up : a tablespoon of oil and a glass of warm water.
  2. Breakfast : salad of fresh vegetables with a spoon of flax seed.
  3. The second breakfast : linseed porridge (the recipe is described in the previous diet).
  4. Lunch : vegetable soup.
  5. Dinner : herbal tea.

It will perfectly clean your body and will not allow the formation of excess kilograms.