Corn porridge - good and bad

Enjoy both delicious corn kernels and adults and children. In addition to the pleasant taste of corn, the body also gives a lot of useful nutrients. However, the corn season quickly passes, and in the canned form it loses most of its useful properties. You can correct the situation with the help of corn porridge, the benefit and harm of which has been sufficiently studied.

In Europe and America, corn is one of the main dishes. The reason for this is its rich composition. Various vitamins, biotin and mineral substances saturate the human body, strengthening it and increasing immunity . In addition, corn porridge has the following properties:

With all this, the nutritional value of corn porridge is only 326 kcal per 100 g.

Contraindications to the use of corn porridge

Corn porridge is very useful, however, like all products, it has some contraindications. It should not be used if:

Another harm of corn porridge concerns its glycemic index. The glycemic index indicates the ability of the product to turn into blood into glucose. So, the glycemic index of corn porridge is 70 units or more, which is a high index. And with thermal and chemical processing, this figure is still increasing. In addition, the smaller the croup, the higher it is. Such a glycemic index cereals says that it should be used with caution by diabetic patients.

Corn porridge and losing weight

Some people think that corn porridge is getting fat. However, in reality it is not so. Caloric content of such porridge is low and it is impossible to eat much, because it quickly causes satiety. However, if you boil porridge on milk and add butter, raisins and dried apricots, you can get a decent amount of calories, which will want to be deposited in problem areas.

Corn porridge allows you to diversify the diet and saturate the body with useful substances. The use of corn porridge once every two weeks is considered the best option.