Benefit and harm of domestic kvass

Kvass is a traditional drink of the Slavic people, the recipe of which was passed from generation to generation, but in spite of its antiquity and non-standard, remains a favorite for many of us. Its composition is unique - many vitamins B , E, PP, H, amino acids and trace elements. All this is contained in a dissolved form, due to which it is easily absorbed by the body. Is domestic kvass useful? Certainly. What exactly - you will learn from this article.

Useful properties of domestic kvass

Homemade kvass allows you to help the body in the fight against various ailments, and can serve as a true family doctor. It can be used in the following cases:

The use of home kvass is obvious - it is not only a favorite drink of us and our ancestors, but also a wonderful general medicine. It is believed that 1.2% of alcohol is present in kvass, therefore it is forbidden to give it to children under 7 years of age.

Benefit and harm of domestic kvass

This drink will not benefit only those who are contraindicated:

If you do not have contraindications to the use of kvass, then this popularly loved drink will be extremely beneficial for your health.