How to cease to eat sweet and flour?

Many know that cravings for sweets - it is harmful to health and figure. But at the same time they can not overcome their harmful eating habits. However, it is still necessary to fight it and it is quite possible. The science of psychology comes to the aid, which offers the problem of how to stop eating sweets and flour, offering solutions in many ways.

How to gradually stop eating a lot of sweet?

Nutrition experts on the question of how to overpower themselves and stop eating sweet, answer like this: it needs to be done gradually. After all, more often the struggle with craving for harmful food pours out into a tense confrontation with oneself, accompanied by frustration, stress and even depression. In order not to drive yourself in this way, try to find a less harmful substitute and lesson yourself from it gradually. If you like sweet tea and coffee, start by reducing the amount of sugar in these drinks. Try to drink half of the usual volume without adding a sweetener, and also gradually reduce its amount: put on each cup firstly two times less sand, then one spoon, and after a while give it up altogether. The same goes for pastry sweets: start by reducing their number to half, then cut it to a quarter, and so on. To overcome the craving for harmful food will help and replace it more useful and safe for the figure: fruits, berries, cottage cheese and yogurt, marshmallow and marmalade, bitter chocolate.

Other ways how to stop eating sweet and flour for good

There are other psychological techniques that help cope with the problem of how to stop eating sweet forever.

  1. Distraction - try to build your daily routine in such a way that you do not have time for harmful candy-pirozhkovye snacks . To compensate for the lack of positive emotions that you receive by eating sweet, find yourself interesting a hobby that will bring notes of joy into your life.
  2. Deny yourself to go into the confectionery department in the store, take away all the stores of the sweet house, notify your relatives that you no longer eat such goodies, so that they do not lead you into temptation once again.
  3. Add to your daily diet nuts and dried fruits - this will help to remove the natural craving for carbohydrate food.
  4. Do not forget to consume enough water. As soon as you feel the need for sweet - take a few sips and eat the apple slice.