Peanut Butter - Benefit and Harm

Peanut paste, the benefit and harm of which is fairly well known, has long won the love of all American citizens and not only. Most people do not represent their breakfast without a piece of bread smeared with this oily pasta, which saturates the body and has a huge nutritional value.

Composition of peanut butter

In the nuts, from which this oil is made, there is absolutely no cholesterol. They contain a huge amount of useful substances for the body:

The product is very nutritious and therefore it is often consumed for breakfast to stock up energy for the whole day. Caloric content of peanut butter is rather high, therefore it is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 spoons a day. This is especially true for those who follow their figure. So, in 100 grams of paste contains as much as 590 kcal. That's why it's important not to exceed the recommended portions.

Benefits of Peanut Butter

So, what is the use of peanut butter and how does it affect the whole body? Scientists have proved that with the regular use of this paste, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced, so peanut butter should be included in the diet as a prophylaxis for such diseases. The vitamins and microelements contained in the paste help strengthen the immune system. Regular use of the product has a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys, liver, digestive tract and nervous system.

Arachis paste is also actively used in bodybuilding. The fact that it contains a fairly large amount of protein, which is necessary for athletes. In addition, in peanut butter there are also substances that contribute to the production of testosterone. This, in turn, promotes fat burning and increases body mass.

The magnesium content makes the product useful as a prophylaxis for diabetes mellitus, and folic acid makes it possible to better update the cells of the body.

Harm from paste

Despite the benefits of peanut butter, there is also harm that can be caused to the body by excessive use of the product. The fact is that high calorie paste can provoke a set of excess weight and obesity. Therefore, in no case should you eat more than the recommended amount per day. In addition, the product contains a fairly large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6. With its overabundance, various heart problems may appear, and the balance between omega-3 and omega-6, which also leads to malfunctions in the body, is disturbed.

Peanut butter is not allowed for pathological processes in the stomach and intestines, since it can even more irritate the mucosa due to the high content of cellulose . With such diseases as arthritis, arthrosis and gout doctors also do not recommend including this oil in the diet.

Considering that today many manufacturers try to diversify the paste by adding various kinds of nuts, coconut chips and other products, the risk of allergic reaction increases several times. Therefore, if rash, skin irritation or swelling of the pharynx occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor and exclude this product from your diet. When buying a jar of peanut butter, you should carefully study the label and do not take the product, which indicates additional ingredients, for example, hydrogenated fats, preservatives and flavors.