Chinese cabbage is good and bad

Today, instead of the usual white cabbage, we are increasingly adding to salads, soups and vegetable ragas Chinese or Peking cabbage. It gives novelty to familiar dishes, besides, the leaves of "Peking" are much softer, juicier and have a more tender taste. The growing popularity of Chinese cabbage makes us wonder whether its benefits are comparable with the properties of other cabbages, and whether the "peking" can do harm.

Chemical composition of Chinese cabbage

In order to fully appreciate the useful properties of Chinese cabbage, it is worthwhile to understand what important nutrients it contains, and what effect they have on the body.

In this type of cabbage contains all the vitamins of group B. These substances are vital for us, they control the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, with their help the body releases energy from incoming nutrients. In addition, B vitamins are necessary to maintain immunity and normal functioning of the nervous system.

"Pechenka" is a source of vitamins A and E, which prolong the life of our cells, protecting their membranes from damage by free radicals. Regular use of cabbage will improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Chinese cabbage is rich in niacin, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and helps fight allergic reactions. In addition, niacin dilates the small blood vessels, improving microcirculation in all tissues.

Ascorbic acid, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is an antioxidant, also exists in the "peking". What is useful for Chinese cabbage, in addition to vitamins, is the presence of macro- and microelements of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and selenium.

Benefits and harm of Chinese cabbage

Due to its chemical composition, cabbage is included in the group of indispensable food products. The use of Chinese cabbage is its positive effect on the work of the intestines. The fiber in it is a good substrate for the growth of normal microflora. Also, dietary fibers bind and remove toxic substances.

The leaves of Peking cabbage contain choline, a vitamin-like substance. It is necessary for the formation of neurotransmitter acetylcholine and therefore plays an important role in the work of the nervous system. Choline for the liver is very useful, it normalizes fat metabolism and restores the damaged cells of this organ. Another ability of choline is that it regulates the secretion of insulin. Thus, adding this vegetable to your diet is simply necessary.

Many people are interested in whether Chinese cabbage is useful in case of abnormalities in the body's functioning. The answer is positive, because it is a component of some medical diets. Include it in your menu is useful for those who have the following diseases:

Yet it is worth noting that the chemical composition of the Chinese cabbage is inferior in some respects to the composition of traditional and such habitual white cabbage. The latter contains more fiber, vitamins A and C, choline, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. In addition, in white cabbage, there is iodine and a number of other trace elements, which the "pekinka" is deprived of. But the Chinese cabbage in comparison with the white-headed has less caloric content, contains more beta-carotene, vitamin A and calcium.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of this kind of cabbage. Do not overdo it with acute gastritis and pancreatitis, diarrhea and flatulence, as the cellulose irritates the walls of the stomach and increases gas formation. A smaller amount of dietary fiber allows many nursing mothers to add Peking cabbage to their diet, without fear of the appearance of intestinal colic in the child.