How to stop overeating?

A huge number of people suffer from overeating, which leads to a set of excess weight and the development of health problems. Nutritionists claim that this is a bad habit with which you can fight. There are several tips on how to stop overeating and begin to live. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the cause of overeating, since it can have both a physiological and a psychological nature. In the second case, the feeling of hunger is felt constantly, even after eating. In this case, you first need to get rid of stress.

To begin with, we will understand how to understand what you overeat, and you can do it on several symptoms. First of all, this concerns the presence of excess weight and a constant desire for something to eat. If a person eats faster and more than other family members, then this may indicate that he is overeating. Signaling signs include the desire to eat until there is nausea and other symptoms of overeating.

How to stop overeating and lose weight?

It is important to find a motivation for yourself, which will be an incentive not to stop, because at first it will be difficult.

Tips on how to stop overeating:

  1. Develop a mode for yourself, giving preference to fractional food. In addition to the three main meals, add two snacks. Take food at regular intervals.
  2. For snacks, choose healthy foods, not chips, sweets, etc. Use fruits, sour-milk products, nuts and dried fruits.
  3. It is worth considering that often people confuse hunger with thirst, so nutritionists recommend first to drink water and if the desire to eat is not lost, then you can start eating in half an hour.
  4. Finding out how to learn not to overeat, it is worth giving one more tip - take food in small portions, and to deceive yourself, use small plates.
  5. Another common habit - there is in front of the TV, while playing games or reading a book. All these distractions provoke overeating. It is necessary to get pleasure from food.
  6. Get a rule - chew food slowly, making 33 movements of the jaw. Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve the digestion process and to feel satiety faster.
  7. During cooking, try to use the minimum amount of store spices, as they provoke the production of gastric juice and cause appetite .
  8. Refuse harmful food, giving preference to useful products: dietary meat, fish, sour-milk and grain products, vegetables and fruits.