Mugs in the kindergarten

Every child, without exception, strives for constant creative development and movement. Any new achievement brings him great joy, helping also to learn the world and himself including, and indirectly contribute to the development of self-confidence. That is why classes in groups organized at kindergartens are simply necessary for every curious child.

How to choose a circle in the garden?

You can not rush to attend extra circles in the kindergarten. First you need to know about the preferences of the child. So, for example, you can not send him to a music circle in kindergarten, if he has no interest in music, and there is no musical ear. As a result of such activities, the child will develop an uncertainty in himself, as he will engage in worse than others and without desire.

Also, do not make a choice in favor of one lesson. A preschooler is quite capable of attending several sections at the same time in paid or free kindergarten circles. However, their number should not be more than 3. All classes in such circles are built on the basis of games, which also contributes to the development of the personal qualities of each child.

What are the circles?

As a rule, all the existing circles in kindergartens have a paid basis. Despite this, almost every parent can let his children in such sections: often the cost of classes is purely symbolic.

The most common circles in kindergartens are sports, recreational and creative pursuits.

  1. The main task of the first is the formation of children's love for sports, physical activity. Occupation in them contributes to the development of physical abilities, perseverance and confidence in their abilities.
  2. Wellness - are aimed at restoring the strength or eliminating any physical ailments. So, for example, swimming helps to strengthen the muscles, mainly in the shoulder girdle, which affect the process of forming a correct posture in preschool children.
  3. Creative circles are aimed at developing children's ability to draw, model, and instill love for crafts . For example, children, engaged in visual arts, develop their imagination, spatial thinking. In addition, children feel great pleasure from the very process of working with paints. Such activities help the child in self-fulfillment.