Recently, we have become particularly popular Western game "Twister", which can be attributed to mobile games . With her help fun and unforgettably spend time whole companies, friends, lovers. The family game "Twister" was created in the 60s of the last century in the USA, and it has not lost its fame to this day.
Description of the game "Twister"
Twister is a mobile outdoor game, in the classical version of which can play 3-4 people. It is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. You can review the rules in just a few minutes, and then indulge in fun. The game set, in the first place, includes the playing field. It is a strong plastic mat of white color, on which are placed colored circles in four rows. In each row there are six circles, so in the floor game "Twister" there are only 26 circles of green, yellow, red and blue. In general, the standard field of the game "Twister" dimensions are 140x160 cm. In addition, the Twister includes a flat roulette. It is divided into 4 sectors, each of which corresponds to a certain hand or foot. Each such sector is divided into 4 small sections of the same colors as the circles on the playing field. When the arrow rotates and stops, a certain combination of limb and color is obtained.
There is an inflatable version of this popular game. For large companies, you can purchase a game of the outdoor "Mr. Twister" of a giant size. In some versions, roulette is replaced by two cubes. In addition, there is a variant of the board game "Twister", in which instead of the limbs, fingers are involved. On the playing field of the children's game "Twister" instead of circles different funny shapes and symbols are used.
Twister - the rules of the game
In general, the rules of the game are simple. Spreading the game mat, you need to decide who will be the lead. If the players are two, they occupy the opposite ends of the mat, putting one foot on the yellow circle, the second - on blue. If the players are three, then the third becomes the center of the mat on red circles. The host turns the roulette arrow and says short commands, where to put players an arm or a leg. For example, with the command "right hand, yellow" the participants put their right hand on the nearby yellow circle. Thus, during the game, participants have to occupy far from quite comfortable positions and even intertwine with each other. There are several important points:
- One circle can only be occupied by one person.
- It is forbidden to touch the playing field with other parts of the body, this threatens to drop out of the game.
- It is possible to remove an arm or a leg from a circle only after the announcement of a new position.
- If the player does not hold the position, he is eliminated.
The goal of the game is to stay and force the opponent to take difficult positions, which will lead to his falling and losing.
How to make the game "Twister"?
Unfortunately, not every family can afford to buy such entertainment, because it is not cheap. But do not get upset, because you can make the game "Twister" with your own hands.
You will need:
- a piece of white cloth 140x160 cm;
- cuts fabric four colors of 150x30 cm;
- PVA glue;
- sheet of A3 cardboard;
- pencils;
- arrow in wood, bolt and nut;
- scissors.
- On the colored sections of the fabric, we draw with a cover or a plate 6 circles of diameter 20-25 cm and cut them out.
- We glue them to the cut of the white fabric, measuring exactly four rows. For strength, we sew the circles around the circumference.
- From the sheet of cardboard make a square, divide it into 4 sectors. We draw a circle on which in each sector we draw with felt-tip pens 4 small circles of four different colors. In the corner of each sector, draw 1 limb: the right or left arm, the right or left leg. In the center we attach the wooden arrow with a bolt and nut.
The twister with his own hands is ready to entertain you and your friends!