Steam insulation for the walls of a wooden house

In any warm room there is moist air. The vapor pressure is always slightly higher than the air pressure outside, and he naturally tries to leave the room. There is excessive pressure on the ceilings, ceiling, walls. You can cope with this phenomenon by using a material with special vapor barrier properties for protection. It is especially important to carry out these works in the case when the walls are affected by warm air from inside the house and cold from the street (unheated attic, cellar). It would seem that such a protection is not necessary for the structure of the bar, the tree itself is capable of retaining steam. But in the case of additional insulation of the house without the arrangement of the parobarrier, you also can not do, otherwise the surface of the walls may suffer from moisture, which will begin to accumulate inside the living rooms.

Materials for vapor barrier

  1. The most budgetary material for installing a vapor barrier is a conventional or reinforced polyethylene film.
  2. The best option is to buy a laminated film with aluminum foil, which can reflect the heat coming out of the building.
  3. A multilayer diffusion membrane costs more, but it has good properties. This material is able to pass air, but it perfectly retains moisture, being an excellent vapor barrier for the walls of a wooden house .
  4. Penofol, polyproprofen and other foamed polymers. In addition to protection from moisture, they are also good heaters.
  5. Polypropylene film.
  6. You can purchase affordable roofing felt. This material is better not to be used inside living quarters, but it will be suitable as a parobarrier outside.

When is the vapor barrier of the walls of the wooden house inside?

It is required to know exactly the time when these jobs should be performed:

  1. Installation of the vapor barrier immediately after the construction of the wooden house . We fix the vapor barrier without delay, so that the original properties of the wooden walls remain. It is in the first year after construction that the strongest moisture jumps occur that can cause significant deformations. Simultaneously with these works we mount the insulation. The resulting "layered pie" will increase the durability of the walls, and your home will be much warmer.
  2. Installation of vapor barrier in five years . This period will seem to many readers to be very large, but it is not for nothing, it was five years later, as shown by numerous experiments, the wooden walls are completely dry and it will be possible without any problems to perform finishing operations.

Do I have to vaporise the exterior walls of a wooden house?

Outside the new log house, the parobarrier is optional. If the facade is in an ideal condition, and you do not plan to update it, you can do without this protection. But when you want to cover the old walls with some panels, making the appearance of the building modern, but retaining its wooden base, you will have to install a vapor barrier along with a heater and other finishing materials.

How to fix the vapor barrier to the wall of the wooden house:

  1. Installation of vapor barrier for the walls of the wooden house inside . First you need to fix the crate, between the brusks of which we lay the heater. Next, nail the stapler selected by you membrane material, able to protect the structure from steam. The main thing is to tighten it properly, otherwise the protection from moisture will turn out to be substandard. Instead of a stapler, you can use nails with large enough hats to avoid tearing the film. The membrane is lapped with a width of at least 2 centimeters. For greater effect, it is allowed fastening several layers of vapor barrier. Next is the controllable and subsequent finishing.
  2. Installation of vapor barrier for the walls of the wooden house from the outside . If we are dealing with a frame, then the vapor barrier can be mounted directly on the walls, the natural clearance between the logs will create sufficient ventilation. With a flat beam or frame, you have to act differently. First, we beat the crate from the rails, installing them through a meter, and then fasten our vapor barrier to them using a stapler. After that, you can nail the crate under the heater, lay a mineral wool or other material, and install the outer panels, performing a finishing trim.