Signs of the onset of labor in primipara

Not all women, being in an "interesting" position for the first time, are aware of the existence of signs that indicate the beginning of expected birth in primiparas. They are indicative of the imminent beginning of the generic process. Let us consider them in more detail.

What are the signs of the birth of primiparas?

The first sign that notifies a woman of an early birth is the departure of the mucous (cervical) plug. This happens, as a rule, 10-14 days before the onset of the birth process.

With regard directly to the signs of the onset of the process of labor in the primiparous, then such are the outflow of amniotic waters and the appearance of the first fights.

So, if a woman has left the water, it means that in a maximum of 12 hours she will become a mother. In this case, the pregnant woman must be sure to fix the time when this phenomenon occurred, and go to the maternity hospital. Doctors, as a rule, do not allow that the waterless period lasts more than 12 hours and, with weak labor activity, stimulate the birth process.

The second of the signs and symptoms of the onset of labor in primiparas are fights. It should be noted that often women waiting for the appearance of the first baby, confuse birth pains with training, which can be observed, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy until the birth itself. The main difference from generic ones is that they do not have a strict periodicity and begin suddenly. At the same time their frequency never increases, as in the generic and they are less painful.

Determine the onset of labor during the first birth, as a rule, the most uncomplicated pregnancy. They begin with a slight, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which eventually grows and gradually intensifies. At the same time the duration of the bout is increased, which leads to a reduction in the interval between them.

Do not immediately go to the hospital with the beginning of the bouts. Optimal is the time when the interval between 2 fights will reach 8-10 minutes.

What is the difference between the signs of the onset of the process of birth in primiparous and re-parenting?

It should be noted that the signs of a rapid onset of labor in all cases are the same. The main difference is that repeated births always take place more quickly. Therefore, with the appearance of the first signs indicating the onset of labor, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital if the woman gives birth repeatedly.