Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

Cabbage - a tasty, satisfying and nutritious dish, well suited for family meals at weekends, as well as for a menu of ceremonial and ritual events.

Usually cabbage rolls are served with different sauces, including sour cream sauce .

Recipe for cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

Tell you how to prepare this wonderful dish (it should be noted that it can be cooked without meat, instead of rice, use a pearl barley or even buckwheat).



Cut the cabbage on the leaves and steam it with boiling water. Hold for a while and drain the water. If the leaves do not become soft enough, repeat the procedure. The hard parts of the leaves (closer to the stump) are cut off.

Cooking stuffing. In a frying pan fry or pass the finely chopped onions and carrots, grated on a medium grater. Add spices and minced meat. Fry all together, stirring the spatula, before changing the color of the stuffing. You can simply mix the onions and carrots with raw minced meat. Add finely chopped greens and mix. On the edge of each cabbage leaf lay an oblong lump of minced meat and wrap the bluebell in the manner of the envelope (like a pancake with a filling).

We put stuffed cabbage in a saucepan. Fill with hot water from the kettle. The water should be enough, but it should not cover the cabbage leaves completely - only up to half or 2/3. Cook cabbage rolls on low heat for 30-40 minutes (if necessary, you can pour a little water, but hot). Spread out on a serving dish.

Prepare the sauce. Crushed or squeezed through a manual press garlic mixed with sour cream and seasoned with spices. The sauce is not boiled, otherwise it will lose most of the useful properties and change the texture. Sauce served separately.

Cabbage rolls with sour cream sauce will definitely like your friends and home.

Cabbage rolls in tomato and sour cream sauce are prepared exactly the same way as in the previous recipe (see above), only to the indicated amount of sour cream add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste. Do not boil the sauce, choose tomato paste without preservatives (without vinegar, oil, salt and chemical additives), tomato itself is an excellent preservative.

"Lazy" cabbage rolls with sour cream sauce

If you do not want to mess around and laziness, as they say, twirl the cabbage rolls, you can cook "lazy" cabbage rolls with sour cream sauce. The proportions are practically the same (see above), only cabbage is smaller.


In a frying pan fry onions and carrots, then add minced meat and chopped cabbage. Tushim all together for about 15-20 minutes. Sauce served separately.