Sorbifer during pregnancy

Almost every woman who is on the final term of pregnancy, diagnoses a lack of iron in the body. And even modern methods of replenishing it can not completely solve the problem, which is fraught with complications during gestation, childbirth and the postpartum period.

The lack of iron is extremely dangerous both for the woman's body and for the growing baby in her womb. Anemia in pregnancy may well lead to such consequences as:

To avoid such negative situations, women in the position are urged to take Sorbifer during pregnancy.

How is the need for the drug determined?

Diagnosis of anemia occurs by taking a blood test. Based on the norms approved for each pregnancy period, deviations in hemoglobin values ​​are established. Ideally, its value should not be lower than 110 g / l. If there is less data, then the actual solution to the problem will be Sorbifer during pregnancy. This drug is also recommended for use during the second and last trimester of gestation in order to prevent iron deficiency. Also, taking the medication is mandatory in pregnancy with several fruits and for those women who suffered from profuse months before fertilization.

The main components and mechanism of action of the drug Sorbifer durules in pregnancy

The most widely used tablet form of the drug. One pill contains 100 mg of iron and 60 mg of ascorbic acid, which performs an auxiliary function. Due to its presence, the main component is absorbed into the blood much faster and more efficiently.

The rapid increase in serum iron, which is observed when taking Sorbifer tablets in pregnancy is due to the fact that it contains ferrous divalent of high concentration, in the form of sulfate. The latter greatly accelerates the absorption of the preparation by the intestine.

How to take a sorbifer during pregnancy?

In order to treat anemia it is recommended to take the drug in the amount of two tablets of 100 mg twice a day - in the morning and evening. If the signs of iron deficiency are poorly expressed, then the doctor can prescribe a twice lower dosage. In any case, the amount of medication used is assigned individually and completely depends on the corresponding analyzes.

Instructions for the Sorbifer during pregnancy prescribe certain rules for the use of the drug, which increase the effectiveness of its action. These include:

  1. The tablet should be swallowed a couple of hours after the main meal, which should not contain milk and dairy products. The latter can interfere with the assimilation of artificial iron by the body.
  2. Absorption of a microelement is impeded by drugs, which contain magnesium and aluminum. Therefore, between the intake of iron for pregnant women Sorbifer and other medications, it is also worth keeping a two-hour interval.
  3. If any negative effects occur, you should immediately stop using the medication before consulting your doctor.

Side effects of Sorbifer in pregnancy

As a rule, if the dose of the drug is determined correctly, then no response from the body, in addition to a logical increase in hemoglobin, does not occur. However, such side effects as: