Star of Threads

There comes a new year, so beloved by all of us, and we prepare for it in advance, creating a cozy home and decorating the house with New Year's toys and garlands . Every year for the Christmas tree we buy new toys or make them our own. Toys can be made from almost everything, just have time to invent and do. So I'm offering you a master class in which I'll tell you how to make a Christmas tree out of threads on a Christmas tree.

New Year's star from threads with own hands - master class

For work it is necessary:


  1. We twist from the paper two tubes, glue the edge so that the tube does not unwind.
  2. One edge is cut off a little, we measure ten centimeters, bend the tube, measure another ten centimeters, make one more bend, and also measuring out another ten centimeters, we make the last bend of the tube.
  3. The last bend of the tube is smeared with glue and inserted into the beginning of the tube with a clamp. It turns out a triangle.
  4. We make one more triangle and after the glue dries, we connect them in the form of a star.
  5. The joints can be glued and clamped or clamped with a thread.
  6. The edges of the star should be glued with glue, so that the thread is better fixed.
  7. We bind the thread to the sprocket, I immediately made a loop, and begin to wrap the thread around the circle.
  8. Each ray of the star is wound clockwise, and passing to the next ray, go counterclockwise. Thread the threads tightly one to the other, until we completely cover the rays of the star with filaments.
  9. It remains only to decorate the star. I pasted the beads on the beams and in the middle of the asterisk.

Such an asterisk you looks very impressive, solemn and festive. She can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also a house flower, make garlands of stars, hang them on a window or simply decorate the walls. This decor looks so impressive that the guests can not fail to note your design abilities.