What is the dream of a wake?

Often events that are considered negative and associated with grief , in a dream, may portend joyful events on the contrary. It all depends on the story you see and the emotional burden of the dream.

What is the dream of a wake?

If you see your own wake - this is a symbol of the completion of an important stage in life, but at the same time you are standing on the threshold of a new and interesting life. You are present at a similar event where people are having fun, the dream book says that in the future you will be greatly improved material condition. If the wake is accompanied by tears - this is a kind of warning about possible health problems and financial expenses.

What dreams of a stranger's dream are dreaming, dream interpretation, as sudden problems with surrounding people, which will be provoked by misunderstanding. A dream in which you remember a deceased person is a symbol of receiving unpleasant news from close relatives, but do not get upset, because you can cope with problems.

What is the dream of a relative?

If you are present at the funeral of a loved one who is still alive, then the dream book foretells him long and happy years of life. In a dream, you receive condolences - a symbol of what awaits you grand fun.

Why do funerals and funeral of a living person?

In this case, the dream will tell you that all problems will be solved soon, the family will be all stable, and at work and business, you can wait for new interesting projects. When interpreting this dream, you need to consider your emotional state, if the soul was calm, then luck will accompany in the case, if you are overcome with melancholy, then on the way there will be minor obstacles. If in a dream you remember a person who is alive, but is sick, then the disease will progress and get rid of it will not be easy.