Oleander - reproduction by cuttings

Oleander - an ornamental plant that pleases the surrounding flowers white or pink hue. When it is diluted and care for it should be careful, since the juice of the plant is an extremely harmful substance. The most famous method of breeding, in which a new oleander is obtained, is propagation by cuttings.

Other methods are also valid. For example, breeding with seeds or air layers. Having set out to find out how to multiply the oleander with cuttings, the first thing to do is wait until spring or autumn. These two seasons are suitable for propagation.

How to grow an oleander from a handle?

Reproduction of oleander by cuttings at home begins with cutting off the shoot. The branch must be about 10 cm long. The cut location is not left untreated. For this, chopped charcoal is used. They sprinkle a slice and leave to dry for a while. Cuttings are placed in a mixture of the same and sand. Another suitable substrate is perlite. Around the cuttings pour sand and coal.

If you create the necessary conditions, then the roots will appear in a week. For this to happen, the following requirements are met:

Not knowing how to root oleander with a handle, it will be useful to learn that this happens especially effectively in water with the addition of coal. After the roots have developed, the plant is considered to have reached the desired state and is moved to the pot.

To worry about how to grow an oleander from a handle is not worth it, because there is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is to choose the right soil, which will contain a certain percentage of turf soil, leaf land, humus, peat, sand. But you can use the land from the garden. It is important only that it is weakly acidic or neutral. For the disinfection of the flower, the prepared soil freezes.

The plant needs the simplest care. In return, it will thank the lush flowering, which will please you for a long period of time.