String beans - growing

Until recently, such beans could only be bought in supermarkets in a frozen form , and now this absolutely fresh vegetable is sold by Granny in the market. Hence, rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements, minerals, the string bean can be grown on its own bed.

How to grow a string bean?

If you are used to shop variation and do not know how the green beans look, imagine a pod without a thick parchment layer or asparagus. By the way, it is for the similarity with this product that the bean has a second name - "asparagus".

It turns out that growing a given vegetable is not difficult. First, you need to know how the string bean grows. It can represent both a bush and a climbing plant - what kind of choice, it's up to you. If you want to plant a bed, then the first option is better, and if near a tree or a fence, then, respectively, the second. Curly beans can not only give the desired harvest, but also serve as an ornamental plant that has beautiful greenery, lovely flowers, besides, it does not take up much space.

Recommendations for the planting and care of green beans:

  1. Vegetables can be planted from the beginning of May, for example, together with potatoes. He, of course, loves the warmth, but is also able to endure a little night frost. By the way, give preference to early varieties, late in our mid-climate does not ripen.
  2. It is better to choose a sunny, but sheltered from the wind place.
  3. The soil can be any, but the beans will reward you with a good harvest if you fertilize the ground with potassium before planting.
  4. The distance between the holes should not be less than 12-15 cm, between rows - not less than 35 cm, and the depth of planting is not desirable, that exceeded 5 cm.
  5. If you prefer a curly variety, you can build "wigwam" from sticks and twigs and around them plant beans.
  6. Appearing in a week and a half shoots should be regularly watered at the root, feed, weed.

After 35-40 days after planting the string beans, it should blossom, and in a couple of weeks, the ovaries will appear, followed by the fruits.

When to collect and how to store the string bean?

Selectively collect the beans as soon as the pods begin to form. It is very important to tear them down precisely young and juicy, checking the fruits daily for maturity. Beans, not removed in time, can be used only for seeds, so be careful.

The more you tear off the pods, the more new ovaries appear, which means do not feel sorry for the bush and encourage it to produce a new crop. Beans can be fruitful for a long time, until frost.

The shelf life of fresh beans is small, so stock up on packages for freezing and prepare a delicious and healthy product for the winter, pre-cut the pods into several parts. Rinse them better after defrosting and before preparing the dish. Seeds for future planting can be collected from pods that are overripe and have dry leaves.

The Benefits of Beans

Since it is easy to plant and grow pod beans, it can become a favorite vegetable for the whole family. It is recommended even to small children, so do not neglect such a valuable product.

Beans can be used in salads , soups, ragout, it will perfectly complement the dishes of their meat and fish. It can be cooked in a double boiler (especially useful), cook, fry. This remarkable vegetable can replenish the body's lack of vitamin A, B, C, E, enrich it with potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, folic acid. It is irreplaceable bean and in dietary nutrition - it contains easily digestible protein and fiber.

There is another plus for the bean - it enriches the earth. Its roots draw nitrogen from the earth, thereby fueling plants planted nearby. So, plant and eat beans for health!