Why are organic fertilizers considered to be the most valuable?

If you want to collect a rich harvest, you should not rely solely on nature. Rich chernozem soil, warm sun and rain in the optimal ratio - these are just a few prerequisites. Of great importance is the introduction of organic fertilizers into the soil. However, it does not matter whether it is a question of large sown fields or vegetables grown on a bed. In both cases, the owners of chemistry is not in high esteem.

Why is organic fertilizer considered to be the most valuable?

The decision to make organic fertilizers is the most appropriate, since there is nothing better than natural fertilizing. After all, in nature, the soil itself produces nutrients. Most often they are the products of animals' vital activity and the decomposed remains of plants. This does not mean that they will have to add greenhouses to the ground (although some do so). But the reconstructed tool has the most approximate structure.

Organic fertilizers have such advantages:

Types of organic fertilizers

Beginner farmers often ask themselves: what fertilizers are organic? The most common types are:

Thus, the choice of organic fertilizers for gardeners is quite wide. Everyone will be able to choose the most suitable species for themselves in order to influence the receipt of a rich harvest in the future.