Daylilies - preparation for winter

Daylilies are popular with gardeners and landscape designers for two main properties - beauty and unpretentiousness. Among the thousands of species of daylilies it is difficult to distinguish the most attractive ones, since they all have bright and expressive colors during the flowering period. It is always difficult to believe that a beautiful delicate flower can be unpretentious, but in the matter of caring for daylilies it is true. The plant can grow without a transplant for ten years, bloom in the penumbra and be non-selective to the soil, but in minimal care it still needs, for example, before hibernation. Let's consider in detail the topic of how to prepare a daylily for the winter.

Basic information about daylily

Daylily belongs to the family of lily plants. In Europe, this flower was imported from Asia and successfully settled down in new territories. An interesting feature of the plant is a one-day flowering. Each flower lives only one day, but due to the fact that the buds on the stem are many, the flowering lasts a long time. This characteristic property can be used by decorating flower beds . If you plant different varieties from the earliest to the later, the picturesque bloom will last a whole summer. In order for this beauty to continue from year to year, it is important to approach the wintering of the daylily responsibly.

Autumn preparation - pruning of daylilies

What the daylilies often call flowers for the lazy, is confirmed in the issue of autumn and winter care. This plant is very winter-hardy and usually does not require complicated manipulations. Determine when to cut the daylilies for the winter, it is necessary for the plant itself and its "behavior" in this season. Flower shoots are removed immediately after flowering. If the autumn is rainy, then the wet flowers after wilting may still remain on the stems, in which case they are also desirable to be cut off. But with the leaves do not hurry. Complete pruning of daylilies for the winter is carried out in the late autumn, since the leaves have a property even in October-November to remain green and alive. When they are still wilted, it is necessary to cut the entire ground part of the plants and remove from the site in order to reduce the number of pests, rodents and the likelihood of diseases in the next season.

Wintering of daylilies

In general, wintering and preparation for winter daylilies of different varieties is different, the degree of care depends on the characteristics of the variety. Some evergreen or semi-evergreen rare ornamental daylilies may not suffer too much frosty winter, so for prevention they need shelter, more adapted varieties easily tolerate winter without outside interference. It is also important to think over the shelter of the daylilies for the winter if they were planted in the autumn of this year, as this will be an aid to the adaptation of plants. Suitable shelters include sawdust, straw, dry grass, dry peat or spruce branches. Before you cover the daylilies for the winter, you need to make sure that the final cold weather, because if the air temperature rises again, the daylilies may die, which will affect their condition much worse than a later shelter. There is another way of wintering the daylilies, perhaps not too easy, but suitable for the area, where in the cold season the temperature reaches -35 ° C. The idea is that at the end of November the rhizome of the daylily should be simply excavated and moved to a cold shelter, but more sparing, and in the spring, again, planted on a bed.

That's all the simple tips on how to prepare daylilies for the winter. If they are not neglected, then in the spring the flowers will again be pleased with the shoots.