Lamblias in the liver - symptoms

Lamblias are the simplest ones that parasitize in the human body, delivering inconveniences, manifested by digestive disorders, irritation on the skin, etc. Let us examine in more detail the signs that give rise to a suspicion of such an invasion.

Features lamblia

Parasites exist in two forms:

Inhabit the protozoa in the small intestine of an infected person, but the symptoms of lamblia in the liver - a question rather controversial. Most doctors agree that invasion can not affect the bile duct and liver, because their environment is harmful to lamblia. At the same time, parasites in themselves can negatively affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. In particular, there is a theory about the relationship between the presence of such an invasion and the frequency of the transition of hepatitis to cirrhosis, but objective evidence confirming it has not yet been obtained.

It is worth noting that in HIV-infected people at the stage of AIDS, giardiasis does not exacerbate and does not lead to horrific consequences, which happens with bacteria and viruses. Some scientists say that the human body does not allocate antibodies to lamblia, and therefore - does not see in them its enemies. This calls into question the need for treatment from these parasites.

Symptoms of lamblia

To suspect the presence of a parasite in the body is worth it, if in the upper part of the abdomen and in the peripodal region there are twisting pains - this symptom is characteristic not only of lamblia: any worms make themselves felt in a similar way.

A man complains of a violation of normal digestion:

Feces have a yellowish color with a small amount of mucus.

Other symptoms inherent in infection with lamblia parasites are:

Do not panic ahead of time.

For the sake of justice it is worth noting that in general lambliasis, like non-existent hepatic lamblias, gives symptoms nonspecific. The exception is pain around the navel, and all the other signs can be a consequence of GI disease, allergies and banal nerve strain.

At the same time, some non-core doctors in the post-Soviet space characterize such a symptomatology as dysbiosis - another controversial diagnosis that doctors of other countries do not recognize.

Thus, quite often the therapist writes off the patient's complaints about giardiasis and / or dysbacteriosis. In the best case, a person is simply wasted on drugs and tests. At worst, a serious illness is lost sight of, since many diseases give nausea, stool, weakness and rash.

In a word, lamblia of the liver and small intestine, the symptoms of which we have examined - a part of medicine enveloped in myths, therefore, faced with such a diagnosis, one should at least consult a few highly specialized doctors whose objectivity and qualifications are beyond doubt.

By the way, scientific evidence that it is the infestations of this type cause complications in the form of impaired functions bile duct and liver, no.

Prevention of Giardiasis

The spreader of the parasite is a person who can not even suspect of carrying protozoa in their intestines. In one gram of the stool of such a patient, 241 800 cysts of protozoa are found, which possess extreme vitality and immunity to aggressive media (bleach, for example).

Insure against Giardiasis will help to comply with the principles of personal hygiene, washing fruits and vegetables, sufficient heat treatment of products, boiling water.