Acetonemic syndrome

In the human body, metabolic processes are constantly occurring. When the protein (purine) balance is disturbed, the acetoneemic syndrome develops, a condition in which the concentration of ketone bodies increases: acetone, acetoacetic and uric acid.

Acetonemic syndrome in adults - causes

Ketone compounds or ketones are normal components of the body, since they serve as a source of energy. They are formed in the liver tissues by converting proteins and fats. A safe level of ketones is provided by carbohydrates, which prevent excessive production of acetone.

An unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty protein foods leads to the accumulation of ketone compounds. Most often this leads to intoxication of the internal organs, which manifests itself as a syndrome of acetonemic vomiting. This condition is caused by the inability of the digestive system to split the amount of fat obtained, and as a consequence, the need to evacuate toxic ketones.

In addition, acetonemic syndrome occurs for the following reasons:

One of the main factors affecting the development of the disease in adults is considered diabetes, most often - 2 types.

Insufficient level of insulin prevents the penetration of glucose into the cells, as a result of which it accumulates in the body. That is why, in the diagnosis of acetonemic syndrome, it is necessary to donate blood to sugar, since the concentration of ketones can directly indicate diabetes.

Acetonemic syndrome - symptoms

Common signs of the disease:

Acetonemic syndrome - treatment

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Pain relief in the abdomen is produced by antispasmodics. To get rid of body intoxication, it is necessary to take sorbents, preferably fast action.

In the future, it is necessary to restore the water balance to avoid dehydration after prolonged vomiting. Non-carbonated mineral water or weak alkaline solution (soda) will do.

After the normalization of the human condition, it is necessary to take preventive therapy, the most important of which is a balanced diet.

Acetonemic syndrome - nutrition

It is extremely important to exclude or limit as much as possible any products with a high content of purines, like animal origin (strong broths of poultry meat and veal, smoked meat, caviar) and vegetable (legumes, mushrooms, tomatoes, sorrel, cauliflower, spinach). These include coffee, chocolate, tea, cocoa.

Diet in the acetone syndrome should include: