How to kill love in yourself?

Many fall in love, meet, live together and are deeply convinced that, it would seem, it is their love that has no end and no end, all lovers should be equal to them. But there comes a period when one of the partners realizes that behind the curtain of love lies the usual love, emotional dependence , which caused the reason for attraction to its real partner. And then the question arises, how to kill this pseudo love in yourself? After all, there is no sense in tormenting each other with pink dreams and hopes that will not come true.

What kills love?

Before embarking on a radical destruction in his life of everything that causes emotional and other dependence on a partner, it is necessary to understand what causes this attraction. So, the reason may be the lack of something on your part. Perhaps you want to be cared for or you care for this in childhood and at the moment you unconsciously compensate for it. It is not excluded and satisfaction only of their sexual needs in these relations.

Is it possible to kill love? Undoubtedly. You need to learn how to control your thoughts, it makes no sense every day to feed yourself with false autosuggestions that without the "love" of such and such a person you will be unhappy. Learn to be a strong person . You can be a happy person only because of yourself.

Love can not be killed?

  1. The first point that will help you get closer to your goal - getting rid of feelings, will be the following: try to assess your attitude towards a partner. You may find that there is nothing more really, besides sympathy, passion or hobbies you do not experience. And maybe it was you who all this time took for a high feeling. Determine the main cause of your pathological craving for a partner.
  2. Pride kills love, which means that you need to respect yourself, to value your own life. It is pointless to be killed because this person will not be more in your life. Most likely, it is attachment to a person that does not allow you to regain happiness and look at your life in a sensible, objective way.
  3. Silence kills love - even if your partner will try to return you by any means. Remember that everything you say can turn against you, and, therefore, follow both your thoughts and what you say. It is better to stop any connection with him until your feelings cool down. For example, put your love story on paper. Try to describe all the pains, troubles that you have experienced during the entire period of the relationship. Complete the story with the phrase "It was and it passed." Destroy the sheet.
  4. Life kills love - go headlong into arranging your own nest. Be puzzled not by what you feel for a person, but what's new today to cook for yourself for dinner. In the end, cleanse your house of past memories, cleaning out every dusty corner.
  5. Start each day with a smile. Throw away bad thoughts. Do not let them swallow you up. Lie down at the same time. At the beginning of the rupture of relationships, drink before bedtime infusion from the motherwort and valerian root. This will help to relax morally.
  6. Time kills love - suffering will not last forever. More often to yourself remind about it. The faster you will leave with a head in self-improvement , the more likely that the old feelings will cool down. Most of the time, give it to reading. Avoid works on a love theme. Mental wounds heal books-biographies of other people. Their plot should tell about the strategies for achieving success, the strength of the spirit.
  7. Every day you find even the slightest occasion for joy. Pamper yourself with an update in the wardrobe or a delicious dessert. Use aromatic oils instead of perfume. They will be able to calm you down.

Remember that everything passes and pseudo love will sooner or later go away from your life, giving way to true feelings.