"Peaches" cookies - recipe

Biscuits or cakes in the form of small peaches are probably familiar to many of the children. Unfortunately, your favorite delicacy is rarely found on the shelves, but no one has canceled the opportunity to cook dessert at home. In this article, we will share with you several variants of how you can cook "Peaches" cookies on your own.

How to bake Peaches?



Soft butter is whisked thoroughly with sugar until a white, airy mass appears. Without stopping whipping, enter into the dough for 1 egg at a time until complete blending. Once all the ingredients are whipped to homogeneity, add the sour cream, and then portions of dough into the dough, sifted with a baking powder. Ready dough kneaded hands, form a ball and wrap it with a film. We give the test to rest in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

The rest of the dough is divided into portions, each of which in size should correspond to a half of the peach. We put the pieces of dough on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper and send it to the oven at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Half of the peach can be combined with a custard , or boiled condensed milk , and you can leave it as it is and only give the appropriate color. In order for the pale cookies to turn into a real peach, oil it with juice of carrots and beets, and then sprinkle with sugar. For more realism, peaches can be decorated with mint leaves, and then served to a cup of tea.

Peaches with condensed milk and nuts

"Peaches" cookies are not so difficult to make, but the delicacy from childhood was filled with a mixture of nuts and condensed milk, which will require much more cooking time. Nevertheless, the result is worth the effort, and in an hour, not only a tasty but memorable dessert will be on your table.


For "Peaches":

For filling:


Beat soft butter with sugar until a lush white mass is obtained. We drive into the oily mixture of eggs, carefully mix and add sour cream in portions - 1 tablespoon at a time.

We sift the flour together with the baking powder, mix the dry ingredients well with a whisk, add salt. Gradually pour the flour to the already available mixture for the dough, without stopping stirring. We wrap the finished dough and put it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Dough is divided into 30 balls of the same size, each ball is cut in half and put on a baking tray, previously covered with parchment paper and oiled. We put the pan in a preheated oven to 200 degrees and leave bake for 12-15 minutes.

While the "Peaches" are baked, we will fill the filling. Nuts are crushed with a blender and mixed with boiled condensed milk. Ready halves of peaches are cooled and using a spoon remove the core from them. Excess flesh is crumbled and also added to the nut filling. We fill the halves of peaches with stuffing and fasten together. With the help of a culinary brush or a simple napkin, we color our "Peaches" with the juice of beets and carrots, or simple food colors of the corresponding colors. Sprinkle the cakes with sugar and put in the fridge before serving.