Feelings of anxiety are the causes

Many people live with a constant sense of anxiety, the reasons for which they are not aware, and believe that this is the result of stress at work, bad sleep or just unfavorable life circumstances. In fact, the roots of the problem can be much deeper.

Sense of alarm - description

Anxiety is a special mental state in which a person experiences mental discomfort, not associated with specific experiences, but rather with some forebodings. Most often, anxiety is accompanied by a sleep disorder, problems with concentration of attention, general fatigue, lethargy, inaction.

From a physiological point of view, anxiety manifests itself as a rapid heartbeat, a rapid pulse without special causes, a shiver, a headache or dizziness, excessive sweating, breathing disorders, and an intestinal disorder.

The main symptom is the feeling that a certain danger is coming, which you can not yet distinguish and characterize.

Causes of feelings of anxiety

It is worthwhile to understand that one thing is a sense of anxiety and fear, the causes of which you are aware of, and quite another - if all this overtakes you in the most unpredictable situations, when external circumstances do not lead to it. This phenomenon is called "pathological anxiety", and it is believed that they suffer at least 10% of people.

Often, this condition is combined with obsessive disorders - the same type of ideas, desires, thoughts that are constantly troubling.

If this is - and is the cause of your anxiety, you will notice that from time to time you are overtaken by an inexplicable anxiety and fear , and every time - for almost no reason. This is often accompanied by various phobias, so having established such a preliminary diagnosis, you should immediately register with a psychotherapist who will find a way out of this situation.