Sulfur ointment from lichen

Lichen is a skin disease of a fungal origin. This disease is manifested by speckles and scaling. It can be accompanied by intense itching. Eliminate all the symptoms of this disease and prevent its spread with sulfuric ointment.

What is sulfuric ointment?

Sulfur ointment is an external medicament. It has an antiseptic (disinfecting) effect, so it is often used to treat scabies, seborrhea and psoriasis. But does sulfuric ointment really help get rid of lichen?

Yes! The active component of this drug is sulfur. Also in the composition there is an emulsifier T-2, medical Vaseline and purified water. After applying the ointment to the surface of the patient's skin, a reaction occurs between organic substances and the components of the medicine, and the drug has a pronounced antiparasitic and antimicrobial effect.

Sulfur ointment is used in the fight against lichen and other dermatological diseases, as it has a number of useful properties:

This drug for external use is presented in pharmacies in several forms: 33% and 10% ointment. In a 33 percent ointment, the concentration of the active substance is higher. It is used to treat severe skin diseases, stimulates local blood circulation and helps to speed up the metabolism. 10% sulfuric ointment will cope with only minor skin defects and help to heal minor wounds.

Application of sulfuric ointment

The use of sulfuric ointment is indicated for various types of lichen. In case of ringworm or flat lice, the drug is rubbed into infected areas and the skin next to them once a day. Before this, it is desirable to dry the skin with salicylic alcohol. If you do not have such a tool, then just take a shower with the usual baby soap and dry the skin thoroughly with a towel. To wet a skin after use of sulfuric ointment it is impossible, therefore it is better to put or render it or her before a dream.

With pityriasis, sulfuric ointment can be used concomitantly with broad-spectrum antibiotics or other medications, for example, Miconazole cream. Such complex treatment is especially effective with a large number of foci. With pityriasis, the ointment is applied twice a day. She is treated only the affected areas of pre-cleaned skin.

Helps sulfuric ointment get rid of pink deprive, but it should be worn only at night and on the skin that has been treated with iodine. During treatment, it is not necessary to wear underwear, which was already in contact with affected areas of the body. Sulfur ointment from lichen can be used for 7 days. As a rule, this time is enough for all the symptoms to disappear. Longer treatment should be performed only after consultation with a physician.

Contraindications to the use of sulfuric ointment

Treatment depriving of sulfuric ointment can be done if you do not have contraindications to the use of this remedy. Categorically The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. Also contraindications are:

The use of sulfuric ointment can cause hives. Therefore, before starting the systemic use of this drug, you should apply a small amount on the back of your wrist. If there is no redness or itching, then the ointment can be used regularly.