Alcoholic cardiomyopathy

As a result of systematic and prolonged use of alcohol, disruptions in the work of most internal organs begin, but first of all the heart suffers. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy can cause death, ate not to take measures to combat alcoholism.

Symptoms of development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy

By the term cardiomyopathy, physicians understand the increase in the heart, especially the myocardium, with the development of heart failure. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy manifests itself somewhat differently. This disease develops as a result of regular abuse of alcohol and is expressed in toxic damage to myocardial cells, which leads to the appearance of ulcers, outgrowths, mutations. The size of the heart does not change much, but heart failure makes itself felt. In the first ten years, alcoholic cardiomyopathy has predominantly mild symptoms:

If you do not stop drinking, then the disease progresses and its signs become more noticeable:

As a result of heart failure, a small circle of blood circulation is disturbed, which affects the work of other organs. Especially suffering from alcoholic cardiomyopathy is the liver - working on wear, it is forced to increase in size and becomes more friable, can develop cystosis. Symptoms of kidney failure are added to the sign of heart disease - nausea, yellowing of the sclera.

Treatment of alcoholic cardiomyopathy and possible prognosis

Diagnosis of the disease can be through echocardiography and electrocardiography throughout the day. It is also possible to carry out a stress test of the heart. The final verdict must be made by the narcologist on the basis of the preliminary conclusion "chronic alcoholism".

The first thing you need to start a person who decided to fight alcoholic cardiomyopathy is to stop drinking alcohol in all its forms. This step will somewhat slow down the process of destruction of myocardial cells. The consequences of the disease are irreversible, the heart of the patient will never be healthy, but there is a chance to extend his life for several decades. Therapy includes the use of multivitamin complexes and drugs that improve cardiac function and blood circulation.

Treatment of alcoholic cardiomyopathy also involves the use of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the myocardium, for example, Mildronate, Neoton and others. These drugs accelerate the synthesis of proteins and normalize energy metabolism. Vitamins (especially E, C) are taken for the same purposes.

The occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias is controlled by the use of calcium antagonist drugs. This helps to regulate the character cardiac contractions and improves cellular respiration in the myocardium.

It is very important not only to adhere to a healthy diet, but also to engage in physical education. Patients with cardiomyopathy are shown regular stay in the open air, long walks. Often doctors recommend oxygen cocktails , inhaled humidified oxygen and other ways to saturate cells with this chemical element.

In general, the forecast is unfavorable, but with proper treatment the patient can return to normal life. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is the cause of death of many representatives of socially unprotected categories of the population, since not all patients have the desire and the opportunity to undergo therapy.