Colorotype "soft summer"

For those who know how to define the summer color-type, the term "soft summer" can be incomprehensible. The fact is that the whole appearance of the "summer woman" is kind of shrouded in a light haze. First, let us recall the main features of this color-type:

Colorotype of "soft summer" appearance

Knowing the characteristics of the summer color, it is easy to recognize the "soft summer". First of all, it should be remembered that the colors of this image are really softer and muffled. It is commonly believed that this color type is a smooth "flow" in the fall. Even the character of a woman of "soft summer" is much calmer than a classical summer representative. But perseverance, "caught" from the fall, makes this type more active. The color-like appearance of a soft summer is an unsaturated palette and a very smooth transition from color to color from hair to eyebrows, and further from the eyes to the lips.

Color-type "soft summer" and make-up

The appearance of such a woman is very refined and gentle, which makes the color palette palette a mild summer very muted, but not boring at all. Such a beauty should emphasize the fragile appearance, without resorting to flashy colors.

Tonal means should be selected in tone and not have yellowish shades: pinkish, beige. It is very good to use a base with pearlescent particles, which will align the shade and hide the skin's errors. Blush should also not have "warmth", choose cool pink colors.

Color of hair color-type soft summer dictates appearance similar to the palette: eyebrows, eyelashes and eyeliner should correspond to "muffled", rejecting black-resin. But in the choice of lipstick may deviate to bright colors. For example, a "summer" woman with dark hair is very good with rich tones on her lips: crimson, purple, bright pink. The rest of the representatives will go soft pinkish colors, beige-pink, translucent purple.

In the clothes for the color-type soft summer must prevail pastel shades, so they go to their "mistresses." And yet it is worth remembering that a mild summer is a mix of autumn and summer. Therefore, many autumn colors are also suitable for this type.

And remember that the expert is in every house, and the name is a mirror.