Irunin - pills that will rid the fungus forever

Fungal diseases (mycoses) - a group of widespread pathologies associated with the infection of fungal microflora of mucous membranes, skin, nails, eyes, as well as tissues of internal organs. Treatment of the lesion is carried out with the mandatory use of antimycotic drugs, which include tablets Irunin.

Irunin - composition of tablets

The drug Irunin is based on the synthetic, biologically active substance itraconazole - a derivative of triazole. This active ingredient has an antifungal effect against a wide range of fungal microflora, among which:

Tablets from the Irunin fungus, due to the action of the active ingredient, help block the pathogenic fungi in the cell membranes of the most important component of their structure, supporting the integrity of the shell, ergosterol. As a result, fungal cells cease to grow and divide, gradually dying. So the destructive inflammatory-infectious process of tissues of the human body is eliminated, the possibility of their regeneration is created.

Irunin - application

Irunin antifungal tablets are used for such diagnoses:

When ingestion Irunin from the fungus is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, penetrating into the blood and spreading through the tissues of the body. In this case, taking the tablet immediately after a dense meal, you can achieve the highest bioavailability and binding of the drug to blood proteins. The greatest content of the active substance is achieved in tissues containing keratin, as well as in the liver, lungs, bone tissue, skeletal muscles, etc.

Dosage and the frequency of medication is determined by the type and degree of damage, a kind of pathogen. The duration of the therapeutic course is different and can range from several days (with candidiasis) to several months (with lung damage, nails). In addition, some forms of fungal infection require the appointment of repeated courses of taking the drug.

Irunin with thrush

Thrush, or candidal vulvovaginitis , is one of the most common diseases with which women turn to a gynecologist. Symptoms of the lesion are: itching in the vagina, burning, soreness, white curdled discharge from the genitals. The main causes of pathology are a decrease in immune defense and a violation of the balance of microflora in the body. Chronic disease is often characterized by exacerbations that occur a few days before the onset of menstruation.

With the right approach thrush quickly and successfully treated without causing complications. In this case, often to eliminate the candidiasis of this localization prescribed Irunin (including with a recurring form). To achieve the most positive result, to speed up the recovery process and rather reduce unpleasant manifestations, it is recommended to carry out treatment while taking Irunine vaginal tablets and tablets for oral administration. With mild degrees of injury, it is permissible to be treated only by the local form of the drug.

Irunin for vaginal administration is applied once a day for 1 suppository, preferably before night sleep. The local form of the preparation creates the necessary therapeutic concentrations of the active component in the affected tissues, while it does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream. It should be borne in mind that during the period of treatment you should avoid intimate contacts, and to prevent reinfection, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner may be required.

Irunin from nail fungus

Changing the shape and shade of the nail, the appearance of stripes or dots on it, strong exfoliation - all these are signs of a fungal lesion of the nail plates. Despite the abundance of folk recipes and external drugs for the treatment of this pathology, with the help of local remedies, a very persistent result is rarely achieved. Specialists in this case recommend to spend 2-4 therapeutic courses of taking systemic antifungal drugs, depending on the depth of infection. Irunin with this disease take 200 mg 1-2 times a day. The affected nail plate is often removed surgically.

Irunin tablets from nail fungus help well, if the therapy is guided by all medical recommendations, do not violate the prescribed dosage and the frequency of application of the medication. The result of irunin tablet therapy is observed after the completion of the course, as the nails are restored (sometime later 6-9 months). If the nails are damaged on the legs during the treatment course, antiseptic treatment of shoes should be carried out.

Irunin - contraindications

Irunin yeast pills can not be used in the following cases:

In cases when, in parallel with the treatment of fungal infection Irunin, there is a need to take other medications, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. Irunin tablets are incompatible with certain medications, for example, with:

Irunin - analogues

On the pharmaceutical market, there are many substitutes for the drug in question, containing the same active substance. Let's list some analogues of tablets Irunin:

Irunin - side effects

Side effects Irunin can provoke at systemic reception, and the most widespread among them are: