Pain in the ear - treatment

Cold seasons carry with them not only the anticipation of wonderful holidays, but also unfortunately various diseases associated with hypothermia. No one is immune from frostbite due to the piercing wind, especially when a warm hat is forgotten at home.

Pain in the ear can occur with various diseases, but the most common causes are otitis or colds (unless there was a mechanical injury on the eve of the ear). They appear when the immunity is lowered and the bacteria can spread into the auditory canal.

Causes of pain in the ears

Pain and noise in the ears - frequent "guests" for colds. Nevertheless, you do not need to sound an alarm and swallow antibiotics ahead of time, because the causes of ear pain for colds may not be contagious: simply accumulated fluid can press on the eardrum and this symptom will pass as soon as the body recovers. Nevertheless, any cold can be complicated by a bacterial infection that penetrates into the ear, and there will already have to compete for your health with the help of serious medications.

Inflammation of the ear is called otitis, which can be external and secondary. The second variant is of great danger, it appears when complications of influenza or sore throat and can take a long, chronic form with inadequate treatment.

Usually, in such cases, along with the pain in the ears, the temperature also keeps, the patient has poor sleep and appetite, dizziness, hearing impairment may occur, and in some severe forms, discharge from the auricle occurs.

Otitis may not be a consequence of a complication of the common cold: for example, a person who has taken a bath or visited a swimming pool has not completely cleansed his ears of moisture, and having left in such a state in the cold, he has great chances to "earn" himself otitis. That's why doctors are wary of washing the nose in the cold season: the liquid can get into the inner ear and when it's overcooled it will give an inflammation.

Pain in the ears - treatment

To begin with, the doctor must determine the causes of ear pain, because the treatment strategy depends on this: whether specific antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs will be used, or if you just need to cure a cold and wait for the fluid pressure to drop. With severe pain in the ear, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If the cause is bacteria, then with pain in the ear, antibiotics are indicated. Confirmation or refutation of bacterial infection is an important stage in treatment, because if you do not take measures, then otitis can become chronic.

If there is fever, but there is no cold, then from the pain in the ears apply sulfonamide drugs together with antibiotics, because this means that the temperature is held due to inflammation in the ear caused by bacteria.

When external inflammation is effective use of antiseptics, which lubricate the auricle.

Also, physiotherapy along with warming compresses is useful: take 96% alcohol, soak a piece of cotton in it and apply it to your ear for 10-15 minutes.

Homeopathy with ear pain is not as effective as chemical preparations, because removing acute otitis is not always easy even with the help of antibiotics.

Pain in the ears: how will folk medicine help?

How to relieve the pain in the ear knew our ancestors, they helped themselves with the help of herbs. To relieve pain, tincture of peppermint and lavender oil was applied, which was instilled into 5 drops in the ear.

Also not all, but many, we know that first aid for ear pain is to apply a vodka compress for 20 minutes. Even as soon as the ear begins to twitch and there are unpleasant sensations, from which it is clear that there is a risk of otitis, it is necessary to impose such a compress and everything will go away in a few hours. It is interesting that many doctors recommend this popular method.

To remove the noise in the ears, folk medicine offers to chew clove.

However, the herbs should be used together with medications to prevent the infection from spreading.