Pain in the right upper quadrant - reasons

Many women complain of intermittent or permanent discomfort in the liver region. This symptom often indicates the development or exacerbation of diseases of this organ, as well as the gallbladder. It is important to immediately pay attention and begin to treat pain in the right hypochondrium - the causes of pathology in the future can lead to cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Why does pain occur in the right hypochondrium?

To correctly diagnose a disease that provokes the phenomenon under consideration, it is important to determine the nature of the pain syndrome, its intensity and frequency.

The most common reasons are:

The listed ailments account for 90% of all cases of treatment of patients with the described symptoms. Other factors:

Let's consider the main causes of pain syndrome in more detail.

Constant severe pain in the right hypochondrium

This character of the symptom usually occurs with dyskinesia of bile ducts, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, hepatitis (viral, alcoholic, medicamentous) and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder.

In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium

This type of pain syndrome can be pulsating, burning, pressing, stitching. He accompanies such diseases:

These pathologies have a number of characteristic symptoms:

Raspiruyuschaya pain in the right hypochondrium

The described feature appears exclusively in the chronic form of pancreatitis with enzymatic deficiency. In this case, the pain syndrome can have a shrouding character, accompanied by flatulence, heartburn and belching, weight in the stomach after eating. Chronic pancreatitis also manifests itself as a complicated digestion of food and, accordingly, stool disorders.

Night pains in the right hypochondrium

This symptom indicates an ulcer of the duodenum. If the pain is noted only at night, early in the morning (due to fasting) and immediately after the meal, but not expressed severely, the disease is in remission. Additionally, patients complain of vomiting, bloating, nausea. When the pain becomes unbearable, and among the symptoms - weakness and dizziness, most likely, there was a perforation of the ulcer.