Hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma of the wrist joint is a benign formation formed by a connective tissue and located near the articular sac. The hygroma contains serous fluid, in connection with what is considered not a tumor, but a cyst.

The causes of the appearance of the hygroma of the wrist joint

Hygroma is formed on a thinned joint capsule. Among the factors provoking the formation of hygroma, there are:

A definite value in the appearance of a hygroma has a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of Hygroma of Wrist Band

The hygroma is a rounded formation with pronounced borders slightly elevated above the skin. When palpation, the skin over the cyst is displaced and the ball is most often probed. Strong pressure causes painful sensations, explained by the pressure of the formation on the nerve endings. Increasing the hygroma to a size of 3-6 cm causes permanent blunt pain in the area of ​​the wrist joint. In some cases, the growth of the cyst is the reason for the limitation of movement and the decrease in the sensitivity of the hand.

Treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint

Several methods are used to treat hygroma:

Unfortunately, these therapeutic methods are effective if the education has appeared not so long ago. In addition, physioprocedures are excluded in case of acute inflammatory process.

At the initial stages of the emergence of hygroma, some folk remedies, including:

A truly effective way is to remove the hygroma of the wrist joint. Mandatory surgical intervention is in cases when:

The operation to remove the hygroma of the wrist joint is performed under general anesthesia and involves the excision of the formation of the capsule together and the subsequent stitching of the hole. After the seams are removed, a cast of gypsum is applied. As an operation, the professional skill of the surgeon is crucial, because in order to prevent relapse, it is important to remove all the hygroma elements completely.