Increased sugar in the blood - the causes

Raising the level of sugar in the blood is as dangerous as lowering it. The concentration of glucose should be maintained at the same level, and its dramatic change in indicators indicates a violation of the body or its serious illness. To determine the amount of sugar in the blood, you need to make a biochemical blood test, as well as it can be done with the help of special glucometers.

Increase in blood sugar is characteristic of some endocrine diseases. The most common and obvious cause of increased blood glucose is the presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus . Characteristic signs of such a disease is an increased amount of glucose in the urine of the patient.

Natural signs of increased blood sugar:

Diet with increased blood sugar

is not temporary, but continues in a constant form. The main principles of a diet are a minimum of sugar consumption or a complete rejection of it.

Not allowed to use:

If the patient is very difficult to abandon such a habitual diet, then it is necessary to regularly take compotes of pears and mountain ash - they very well lower the level of sugar in the blood. It is also strictly not recommended for a patient to starve, because with insufficient food intake, the body experiences exhaustion, which leads to a sharp drop in glucose. A sharp increase in blood sugar can trigger a new food that was not present in the diet before.

Symptoms of increasing blood sugar

The level of sugar in the blood rises gradually, so at the slightest increase in significant symptoms will not. If the increase is long and regular, then, as a rule, they are accompanied by the following symptoms:

Signs of increased blood sugar