Pink House

Casa Rosada or the Pink House is the residence of the current president of Argentina , where his official study is located. The building of the palace is located on the central square of Buenos Aires - Plaza de Mayo.

Historical digression

The history of the Rose House - the palace has more than four centuries. At various times it housed the Fort of Juan-Baltasar of Austria, a fortified structure - the castle of San Miguel, the official residence of the rulers of Argentina, the building of customs, the central post office, the Historical Museum.

Finally, in 1882, the new government of the country, headed by Julio Roca, decided to reconstruct the palace. The design of the new building was taken up by Francesco Tamburini, and the architect was appointed Carlos Kilberg. Construction work lasted from 1882 to 1898. The hosts of Kasa-Rosada were representatives of the ruling "top" of colonial Spain.

Why pink?

The unusual name chosen for the official residence of the president has two quite logical explanations:

  1. Adherents of the first are sure that the "Pink House" is named so because of the political confrontation of parties that are striving to come to power. The symbol of one of the parties was white, and the second - red. The pink shade of Kas-Rosada was supposed to reconcile the warring sides.
  2. The second version is much more prosaic. According to her, the house was painted with fresh blood of cows, which dried up and acquired a bright pink shade.

Casa Rosada in our days

Now the Presidential Palace is located in the Pink House of Buenos Aires, and therefore there are always a lot of people who want to visit it. True, the authorities appear here infrequently.

Visitors will be able to visit the office of Rivadavia (the president's workplace), visit the busts hall, which features statues of all the presidents of Argentina, wander through the halls of the Historical Museum, which contains valuable exhibits that tell about the development of the country and its rulers.

How to visit?

You can get to the place in many ways:

  1. on foot. The palace is located in the central part of the city, and it will not be difficult to find it;
  2. by public transport . The nearest stop of Hipólito Yrigoyen is a 15-minute walk away. Here buses №№ 105 А, 105 In come;
  3. rent a car . Moving on the coordinates: 34 ° 36 '29 "S, 58 ° 22' 13" W, you will certainly reach the right place;
  4. call a taxi .

Casa Rosada is open to the public on weekends from 10:00 to 18:00. Free admission. A new group of tourists is allowed to enter 10 minutes after the previous one. Duration of the tour is 1 hour.