The norm of pressure in children

Violation of blood pressure is generally considered a diagnosis of adults. However, low or high blood pressure is often found in children of different ages. To reduce the risk of serious complications in the future, it is important to find out the pressure problems in time and take the necessary measures.

A feature of blood pressure in children is that it is always much lower than in adults. Consequently, the "adult" norm (120 to 80) to a child from 0 to 15 years should not be applied. It is known that the age of the child depends on the degree of elasticity of the walls of the vessels, the width of their lumen, the size of the capillary network, which directly affects blood pressure. In a newborn baby, the average blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg. While 14-year-olds will already have 110 / 70-120 / 80 mm Hg. Art.

Understand what pressure measures for the child are considered the norm, the table will help.

Pressure table for children

To determine the pressure standards in children from 2 to 14 years old, the following method is most often used.

The upper limit of normal blood pressure is calculated by the formula:

80 (90) + 2 * N, where N is the age of the child.

The lower limit is 2/3 of the value of the upper pressure.

For example, for a 10-year-old child, the normal upper limit will be:

80 (90) + 2 * 10 = 100/110

The lower limit is 67/73 (that is, 2/3 of this figure).

Accordingly, the norm for this age: from 100/67 to 110/73 mm Hg. Art.

The table shows the average performance. When measuring blood pressure in children, the weight and height of the child should be taken into account, as they can have a significant effect on the result. A full-blooded child may have a slightly higher blood pressure than normal. In miniature children the pressure drops will be observed in comparison with the approximate figures.

If your child is under pressure, this must be paid attention.

Possible scenarios in the dynamics of child pressure:

1. Low blood pressure in children. If the child's pressure has dropped sharply, it can lead to metabolic disorders, impaired kidney function, liver and other vital organs. Sometimes there are headaches, fatigue and weakness, even fainting with a sharp change in the horizontal position of the body to the vertical position. Children prone to low blood pressure should be examined for heart disease. If they are not, it is recommended to exercise and temper to strengthen the body.

How to increase the pressure in a child? This is possible with the help of caffeine contained in coffee. To medication treatment resorted to, if low blood pressure is combined with headaches. Such treatment should appoint a doctor, given the causes of headaches.

2. Increased pressure in the child. Cases when the child's pressure has risen is even more dangerous. This can be an individual response to a physical or emotional load. But to leave without attention the fact of the raised or increased pressure in any way it is impossible.

How to reduce the pressure in a child? It can be done urgently by attaching a piece of cloth dipped in apple or table vinegar to the heels for 10-15 minutes. To reduce the pressure, it is useful to eat watermelons, black currants and baked potatoes in the skin.

If the pressure rises systematically, the child needs to be examined by a doctor and, most likely, by medication.