Corella - care and content

Many people, when choosing pets, stop at the parrots of the species Corella . They are very unpretentious in care, have a vivid and memorable appearance and a long life (up to 20 years with good content). In addition, the bird can be kept in a cage with parrots of other species, since it is quite peaceful and does not suit territorial "showdowns". However, despite all unpretentious parrots, there are still certain rules for keeping the corella in the home. What kind? About this below.

Conditions of maintenance, care and feeding of the Coral parrot

There are several important points that should be considered when creating conditions for this parrot. It:

  1. Comfortable microclimate . Tropical birds are very sensitive to the length of daylight and air temperature. Ideally, the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees. The minimum limit that your winged pet will be able to withstand is 18 degrees. To make the nymph feel comfortable and later able to reproduce in the cage, an additional lamp, ideally ultraviolet, should be installed. The duration of a day of light must be at least 14 hours.
  2. Cage for the parrot . Choose a metal (not copper) cage the size of at least 80x70x40 cm. If the bird is large, then pick up a cage in which it can wave freely spread wings without touching the rods. It is desirable that the metal bars are horizontal and the distance between them does not exceed 2 cm. Inside the Corelles' "dwelling" there must be 2 feeders, a drinking bowl, a couple of perch vertexes, toys and a bathing suit.
  3. Diet of food . The main food for the parrot is a grain mixture, which can include oats, millet, canary seed, raw sunflower seeds, corn, rapeseed, wheat, sesame and nuts. In a day the bird will need about 30-35 grams. grain mixture. In addition to the grain feed, let's parrot additional food, namely fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, boiled chicken egg and cottage cheese. In no case should you give garlic, tomatoes, onions, sorrel, coriander, persimmon, pineapple, milk and flour products (can cause inflammation of the goiter).

As you can see, care and maintenance of the corella is quite simple. The main thing is to comply with dietary requirements and get the right cage. This will ensure that your winged pet will live a long, full life.