How to accustom the dog to the toilet on the street?

If you have a puppy in your house, then you should know how to accustom the dog to the toilet on the street. This training can take a lot of time: from six months to one and a half years. But sometimes even adult dogs can "nahuliganit" at home. Why does this happen?

Teaching a dog to the toilet on the street

The owner, who decided to have a puppy, should know that a small dog should be taken out to the street very often, and especially it should be done after eating and sleeping. However, during the vaccination of puppies is not recommended for walking. Therefore, many beginning dog breeders take this recommendation word for word and begin to take the puppy out into the street when he turns three or even four months old. By this time, the animal has become accustomed to coping with its needs in the house and to teach it to do it on the street - it is very difficult.

Therefore, always go out with the dog in order to teach her to go to the toilet on the street. At the same time, make sure that the puppy does not communicate with other animals during the walk.

Be sure to praise your pet for recovering on the grass. You can even give him a treat. Some dog breeders at the same time give the puppy the "do" command, and when the dog gets used to it, puddles in the house will noticeably be diminished.

If you do not have a place to go out with a little dog, you must first train it to the home tray. And to pour in it better the land, then in the future, after the end of the quarantine period, the puppy will be easier to understand what they want from him on the street.

If the puppy is stained in the house, it must be scolded, but only if you find him behind this "crime." Say, look into the puppy's eyes and say "Fu!" In a disgruntled voice. If you see that the puppy is napkin after a short, even very short time, then the baby will not be able to tie his action to your strict tone or punishment.

Sometimes it happens that an adult dog does not go to the toilet on the street. What to do in this case? As an option, remove in one of the rooms carpets and paths and, covering the entire floor with newspapers, and close the dog there. The animal will not have any other way out, how to use newspapers as a place for a toilet.

After a while, it turns out that the dog prefers to go to one and the same place. Now you need to gradually remove the excess litter from the floor. And when there is only one newspaper left, take it out to the street and put it on the grass, point at the dog. Eventually, the dog will understand, that from it want, and begins to go to a toilet in the street. This method is, of course, a long one, but after it many dogs learn where they need to cope their needs.

In the same way, it is possible to accustom and small puppies at the age from one to three months. Senior dogs can already endure without a toilet longer, so it will be easier to accustom them to recover on the street. In doing so, do not forget to praise the puppy and express your joy that your pet understood you and did everything right.

While the dog does not understand that she needs to go to the toilet on the street, you can walk with her a little longer. In addition, with an adult dog it is necessary to engage in active games, after which the animal will necessarily meet its need on the street. In the hot season, take water for the dog with you - this will also help.

With the help of praise and punishment, your dog will soon understand what they want from her and learn how to go to the toilet on the street. The owner of the dog should remember that if the animal has frequent urination or defecation, you should contact the veterinarian, as this may indicate a disease of your pet. And only after that you can start educational activities to teach the dog to the toilet on the street.