Is there life after death?

People who have faced the death of a loved one are often asked by the question: "Is there life after death?". If centuries ago this question was obvious, at present it only becomes relevant. Science, medicine revise their traditional concepts, since the data show that death is not the end of human life, but the "transition" of the organism beyond the threshold of earthly existence.

Certificate of life after death

Theories and opinions about whether life after death is great. The soul of man is immortal, this is confirmed by all the religions of the world. In addition, according to scientists, at a time when a person's heart stops beating, information stored in the brain is not destroyed, but is scattered and spread throughout the universe. This is the "soul". Also, in the press, there are often reports that at the moment of cessation of life, the body weight of the dying person decreases. Consequently, in the process of death, the soul, having its own mass, leaves the body. That is why people who survived a clinical death , and similar terminal states, say that they saw how they "come out" from their bodies, saw a "tunnel" or "white light".

After physical death, a person hears what is happening around him, then hears an unusual whistle or rumble, feels the flight through the tunnel. Then they see a blinding light at the end of a black tunnel, then a group of people or a person emitting kindness and love and it becomes easy for him. Often see different pictures from their past or their deceased relatives. These people are made to understand that it is too early for them to leave the Earth and the person returns to the body. Experienced, leaves an indelible impression on people who survived a clinical death.

So, is there life after death or is it all a hoax? Perhaps life in the other world exists, since many different people who survive a clinical death say the same thing. In addition, Andrei Gnezdilov, MD, who works in a hospice in St. Petersburg, tells how he asked a dying woman to let him know if there really is something there. And how, after her death on the fortieth day, he saw this woman in a dream. Andrei Gnezdilov said that over the long years of work in the hospice he was convinced that the soul continues to live, that death is not the end and not the destruction of everything.

What kind of life after death?

This question can be answered definitely. After all, people who visited "beyond the threshold" and stepped over the "moment of dying" did not mention pain. It was said that there was no physical pain and no pain. It was felt, only up to the critical "moment", and during the "transition" and after, there was no pain. On the contrary, there was a feeling of happiness, peace and even peace. The "moment" itself is not sensitive. Only some people said that they lost consciousness for a short time. But they did not even suspect that they were dead. Since we continued hear, see and reason everything, as before. And at the same time they hovered over the ceiling and found themselves in a strange and new situation. They saw themselves from the side and asked themselves the question: "But have not I died?" And "What will happen to me?".

Virtually all who had experience of the afterlife, talked about peace and quiet. They felt safe and surrounded by love. However, science can not answer the question: "Does not anything threaten everyone after death?", Since there are data not about the afterlife, but about the first minutes after the "transition". Most of the data is light, but there are references to the terrible visions of hell. This is confirmed by the suicides returned to life.

So, do you believe in life after death or are still in doubt? In fuller it is possible that you are in doubt, and this is natural, since you probably never thought about it before. However, understanding and new knowledge will come, but not immediately. At "transition" the person does not change, as at it one life, instead of two. The afterlife, this is the continuation of life on Earth.