Spruce cone in a pot

A very fashionable attribute of the New Year is a cone in a pot. Spruce is a Canadian conic - a species of spruce conic shaped native to their Canada. A feature of this variety is a narrow-conical flat crown and a soft, short needles of a gray-green color. Dwarf form of spruce Conic growing at home usually does not exceed a meter height, but when grown outdoors with good care can reach 3 meters.

Spruce Conic: how to care?

Growing Canadian spruce Conic in a pot - it's not an easy thing. But opponents of the destruction of coniferous trees, with a hunt, are involved in a complex process. Most often, a young miniature tree is bought in a container or pot. On New Year's Eve and Christmas they are sold in many shops specializing in selling indoor plants and garden landscape components and even in supermarkets.

To keep herringbone alive for further cultivation, it is necessary to create winter rest conditions similar to natural ones: it should be placed in a cold bright room where it is possible to perform a full airing. In the heat there is a violation of the natural cycle, which leads to drying and the appearance of weakened shoots in the plant.

Temperature conditions

The optimum temperature in the cold period of the year is + 5 ... + 10 degrees, but the tree can withstand the minus temperature, being located on the loggia, it is necessary only to make sure that the soil does not freeze in the pot. In summer, the plant tolerates a fairly good temperature and a fairly high temperature, provided that it is regularly ventilated.


In the summer, the herringbone needs abundant frequent watering, and care should be taken to ensure that the soil is evenly moistened. In winter, watering is done 1 to 2 times a week, and at a temperature close to 0 degrees, - once a month. In summer and when kept in winter in a fairly warm room, periodic spraying is required.

Additional fertilizing

A full-fledged care of the fir-trees The conic of the house is not possible without additional dressing. As a fertilizer, universal complexes for plant growth are used.


Transplantation of spruce conics should occur extremely accurately while maintaining the integrity of the earth coma. To do this, you need to purchase a special soil for coniferous species (with an increased level of acidity). Perhaps zemlesmes mix themselves, mixing the universal soil and land from the pine forest. It is advisable to perform a transplant in the spring, once every two years.


When reproducing spruce, Konica seeds are harvested in the winter. The cones should be ripe, well-opened! Seeds are sown in a pot to a depth of 0.5 cm. Until the seedlings appear, the container with sowing is kept in a cool room.


Diseases of Spruce pine are associated with a violation of the conditions of detention. Needles dries and crumbles with a lack of moisture in the soil, dry air, excessively warm indoor temperature in winter. Often the tree is affected by a fungal infection, as indicated by a white raid on the dying needles. In the case of a fungal disease, the plant should be treated with "Hom" or "Oxihom" preparations, putting it on the street or on the balcony. The second treatment is carried out, after two weeks. The dried tips of the shoots must be cut off. The new needles will only grow after a few months, and whether the tree is alive during the recovery period, you can learn from the shoots - they should bend.

If all conditions are met, the decorative spruce of Konica will please you, your relatives and guests with your well-groomed appearance for many years! Before New Year's holidays, a miniature conifer tree can be gently dressed. If desired, a healthy herringbone can be planted in a summer residence with a clod of earth from the pot.

In addition to the Canadian spruce cone in the pot, you can grow fir .