How to plant ginger?

Ginger - a spicy plant, in vivo growing in the tropics. We use its fruits mainly in dried and marinated form. Often on sale you can find and ginger roots, which have a sharp taste and are also suitable for food. Do you know that this root can be grown on its own?

Do it best at home - in a pot or miniature greenhouse. But at the cottage ginger plant, sadly, will not work, because create in the garden tropical conditions, ideal for this plant, it is impossible. Shoots you get, but a good harvest is unlikely to wait. So, let's find out how to plant ginger in a pot.

How correctly to plant ginger?

First of all, for this you should choose a fresh root, because ginger reproduces by dividing the rhizome. Before planting, cut it in such a way that each part contains 1 or 2 kidneys. They should be either sprouted or swollen. To wake up the sleeping buds, take the purchased root of ginger for several days in a damp place and warm place - this microclimate will significantly accelerate its germination.

At this time, pick a good pot and ground. The container for growing ginger should be wide, but not high. The ideal soil is a mixture of an equal amount of humus, sand and foliar humus.

Ginger, which has already germinated, is usually planted very easily. To do this, dig it upward in the ground (as when planting potatoes), but not deeper than 2 cm - this plant grows in breadth, and the root system is not very developed. Before the appearance of sprouts, keep the soil moist, but do not work hard with watering, otherwise the spine can rot. To prevent this from happening, the plant should be well drained.

Further care for ginger is simple: he needs moisture, dilute light and high content temperature. He loves ginger and sprinkles. In summer, a pot with a plant can be put on a loggia or a terrace, and in the fall - brought to a closed room. For a couple of weeks before harvesting rhizomes ginger stop watering, gradually drying the soil in the pot. As a result, the leaves and stems of the plant will fade and dry out - this is a sign that the root can be excavated. Clean ginger from the ground, wash and dry well. Store roots in a dry dark place, in a refrigerator or freezer.

As you can see, planting ginger at home and subsequently harvesting from the healed rootlets grown by oneself is quite realistic. Shall we try?