How are kidney ultrasound done?

Ultrasound (ultrasound) is a widely used method used for the investigation and diagnosis of internal organs.

Why is kidney ultrasound performed?

Kidney ultrasound allows:

How do ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands?

The examination is carried out mainly in the supine position, on the back and on the side. In some cases, the patient may need to take a vertical position (if in the process of ultrasound should exclude the omission of the kidney ). In the process, the doctor can ask the patient to turn on his side, inflate or draw in the belly, hold his breath.

When performing ultrasound, a special gel is applied to the skin, which ensures better contact of the sensor with the skin. Since different fabrics have different acoustic resistance, the resulting reflected signal makes it possible to form a picture of internal organs on the screen of the device.

Usually, when the kidney ultrasound is done, the adrenal glands are evaluated, although for these glands the examination is less informative, since the acoustic properties of the adrenals are very close to those of the surrounding peritoneal tissue. As a result, ultrasound can only determine the location of the adrenal gland and detect pronounced pathologies that affect the structure of the tissue.

This procedure is absolutely safe, painless and takes a short time. Contraindications, with the exception of open wounds on the skin, in the place where it is necessary to apply gel, ultrasound does not. You can do ultrasound of the kidneys as often as the patient's condition and medical prescriptions require.

Conducting ultrasound of several organs

The examination is always the same, regardless of which organs need to be examined, and can differ only in time. The main difference is the preparation for the procedure.

How are ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder?

In this case, you can eat, since an empty stomach is not required for the procedure. But it is advisable to eat light foods that exclude gas formation. Approximately one hour and a half before the test, you need to drink at least a liter of water (unsweetened, still), because in order to get a clear picture, the bladder should have been full. They also prepare for ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

How do ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys?

In this case, the examination is carried out on an empty stomach. A full bladder is not required.

Since ultrasound is an absolutely safe procedure, widely used even in pregnancy, it can be done as often as required by medical indications and prescriptions.