Ointment for stomatitis in adults

Stomatitis is the most frequent disease of the oral cavity, which is manifested by damage to the mucous membrane. It proceeds with the formation of different sizes of ulcers. There are several reasons for the appearance of the disease. To fight use special ointments from stomatitis, pills and even folk remedies. The most effective are the substances in tubes, as they are aimed at local opposition to the disease.

Names of the most effective ointments for stomatitis in the mouth in adults

There are many ointments and gels, whose action is aimed at combating oral problems. And many of them help to cope with stomatitis. The most effective are:

  1. Bonaphoton. The active substance is Bromonaphthoquinone. The drug itself is considered an antiviral ointment, the main task of which is the fight against adenoviruses and herpes. When stomatitis should be applied four times a day to the affected area.
  2. Acyclovir. He treats an ailment caused by a herpetic infection. The main component is the analogue of thymidine nucleoside. It is applied to problem areas every four hours.
  3. Also, when stomatitis in adults is often used Oksolinovaya ointment . It is prescribed usually with the herpes form of the disease. The drug has a high antiviral effect. In this case, the agent prevents the active spread of the disease.
  4. Mycosis. The active substance is miconazole. Effective cream, killing yeast fungi and dermatophytes. When stomatitis it is applied to problem areas twice a day. This is done by easy rubbing movements. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after the procedure.
  5. Pimafucin - cream with antifungal effect. The composition contains an antibiotic from the group of macrolides. The main component is natamycin. Usually he is appointed by a specialist. Depending on the stage of the disease, they need to use one to four times a day. It is applied to problem areas.
  6. Another effective ointment for the treatment of stomatitis in adults is Metrogil Denta . It is considered a modern preparation, which is available in the form of a transparent gel. Apply the product directly to the ulcer with a cotton swab or clean hands. Use twice a day. It is forbidden to treat children under six.
  7. The kamistad. The action of the gel is aimed at treating only stomatitis of any form. It is used several times a day until full recovery.