Myopia of a mild degree

Myopia is a disease of the eye, in which the image is focused not on the retina of the eye, but in front of it. This defect leads to the fact that the objects located far away seem to be blurred, indistinct, whereas when looking at closely located objects, the clearness of vision is preserved, from which the common name of this disease, nearsightedness, has occurred.

For today, more than 10% of the world population suffers near-sightedness, and due to the increasing burden on the visual system and other unfavorable factors, the number of people with myopia is constantly increasing.

What is myopia of a mild degree?

To date, myopia is divided into three degrees:

Myopia of a weak degree can be both of the eyes, and can be observed only on one eye.

In addition, according to the type of disease, myopia can be non-progressive (stationary) and progressive. In the second case, with the initial diagnosis of myopia of a weak degree, it can develop into an average, and then into a high degree.

How to treat myopia of a mild degree?

The definition of methods for treating myopia of low degree depends on the type of its treatment we are dealing with.

With non-progressive myopia, which is a defect of refraction, usually no additional treatment is required and everything is limited to corrective methods, such as glasses or contact lenses. But it should be remembered that incorrect selection of glasses creates additional strain for the eyes and can cause progress of myopia, therefore, their selection should be taken very carefully.

Particularly relevant is the question of the correct selection of corrective agents, when myopia of a weak degree is combined with astigmatism . If it is not taken into account and do not use special lenses designed to correct not only nearsightedness, but also astigmatism, then the patient may have chronic headaches associated with wearing glasses.

It is clear that the use of glasses or lenses does not suit everyone, so many resort to methods such as surgical intervention to cure myopia of a mild degree. To date, the most common is laser vision correction. This method is considered the most sparing and has virtually no contraindications.

In the case of progressive myopia, surgical correction of vision is not recommended until the reduction is stopped. Supportive therapy is especially important here.

Therapeutic treatment of myopia of weak degree

First of all, this therapy includes the intake of vitamins C and B, a complex of vitamins containing lutein, and the use of special drops for the eyes.

To maintain the tone of the muscles responsible for the accommodation of the eye, a special gymnastics for the eyes is used. In addition, various methods of physiotherapy are widely used.

There are no serious limitations in myopia of a mild degree, but all the same it is necessary to observe caution. Do not allow too long a load on the eyes, do not read in poor light, follow the posture. When working at a computer, it is recommended to interrupt on average every hour, sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed, let your eyes relax, look into the distance, not trying to focus on something specific. Care should also be taken with prolonged and severe physical exertion, which can adversely affect vision. Sports with shortsightedness are not contraindicated, and such types as running, skiing, swimming, volleyball, basketball, etc., have a beneficial effect on the body.