Violation of cerebral circulation - symptoms

In the human body as the aging process begins to develop pathological processes associated with wear of organs. First of all, it affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the organs of the vascular system. Often the consequence of this is a disorder of cerebral circulation, the symptoms of which are important to determine at the initial stages. Their timely detection will prevent the development of complications and develop preventive measures for diseases.

Signs of impaired cerebral circulation

For a long time, the disease has no effect on the condition of a person. But as the pathology develops, the patient feels worsened. Depending on the nature of the manifestations accompanied by malaise, several types of circulatory disturbances are distinguished. It is important to be able to distinguish them and prescribe appropriate therapeutic treatment.

Symptoms of acute impairment of cerebral circulation

If there was an ischemic stroke , it is necessary to note the presence of such focal features as:

To cerebral manifestations include:

The nature of the disease depends on the location of the stroke and the degree of brain damage.

Transient ischemia occurs rapidly and fades after about 20 minutes. At the same time, signs of acute disturbance of cerebral circulation hardly show themselves.

Hemorrhagic stroke manifests itself:

Symptoms of transient cerebral circulation disorder

The severity of these or other signs is influenced by the localization of the focus.

If it is located in the carotid basin, then there are paresthesia in the mouth, half face and trunk. Paralysis of the limbs is also observed.

The outbreak located in the vertebrobasilar basin leads to:

Often the consequence of this condition is memory loss.

In the case of hypertension, the arriving impairment of cerebral circulation proceeds with such general cerebral symptoms as:

In addition, the vegetative signs, which include:

They can be observed throughout the disease, and against their background rapidly developing focal phenomena develop, which usually disappear after 24 hours.

Symptoms of chronic cerebral circulation disorder

At the initial stages the most expressed cerebrostenic syndrome, accompanied by:

For the next stage, there are the following symptoms:

Also occurs uncertainty in the movements, noise in the head and drowsiness, decreased ability to work.

When the neurologist examines reflexes of oral automatism:

With the onset of the third stage, the patient is able to develop: