Flower Aglaonema

This cute plant of the family Aroid in our culture is used as a room. In nature, it grows on the shores of water bodies in the tropical forests of the islands of the Malay Archipelago and East India. For a successful life to home colors Aglaonema need to create suitable conditions.

How to grow a flower Aglaonema?

The plant is best placed on the eastern or western windows, if necessary, shading from too bright light. The soil of the Aglaonema likes light and loose, and the pot should slightly restrict the root system - then the leaves will grow faster.

The microclimate for this plant should resemble the tropics - to be moist and warm. Aglaonema grows well at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C, and in the winter months - at least 16 ° C. Sharp temperature changes, as well as drafts, are completely unacceptable for this tropical beauty.

Watering the flower should be abundant, but only if the soil in the pot has sufficient permeability of air and water. Feeding should be done 2 times a month, close to the fall, they should be stopped.

Aglaoname varieties

Aglaonema - "distant relative" of the diffenbachia known to all - in fact has many varieties.

Thus, the house flower of Aglaonem modest has green foliage and belongs to the most shade-tolerant species of this plant. But Aglaonema changeable, on the contrary, has variegated leaves of various colors and needs good lighting. If you notice light spots or strokes on the foliage, you should know - in front of you, the Aglaonema is ribbed. Grayish-silvery surface has iglenoid leaves with curly hair, the bush of which is usually strongly branched.

It is useful to know that an aglaonema of any kind cleans the air in the room, relieving you of harmful substances, including benzene and even streptococcal infection . But it should be borne in mind that the juice of this plant is toxic, so you should be careful when transplanting Aglaonema, as well as keeping it in an apartment with kids and pets.