Tungbergia - growing from seeds

Tungbergia is a plant originating from the tropics, it is often grown at home or in the suburban area as curly or ampelike (growing in hanging flowerpots and flowerpots). In the form of a high, dense wall, reaching a height of two meters, the vines of Tunberia with bright large flowers are decorated with balconies, house fences, gazebos and other structures. Coloring of flowers differs in variety: yellow, orange, lilac, burgundy, white. In the open ground, the flowering of the Tunberia begins in July and ends closer to October.

TUNBERGY - planting and care

The most popular method of breeding tungsten flowers is growing from seeds. In early March, the seeds are sown in peat pots or in wooden boxes with loose soil consisting of leaf land, humus and sand. The soil is moistened and covered with cellophane film or glass. For a few weeks, plantings are placed in a rather warm place, and it is necessary to make sure that the soil is moderately moist, since in excessively moistened earth the seeds can rot. After the seedlings grow up, the shelter must be removed.

If there are too many sprouts, dive should be made, leaving the most viable seedlings. When the growth of seedlings will reach 15 cm, it is recommended to hold the prick, cutting off the tips of the shoots.

At the end of May - beginning of June, subject to the establishment of warm daily weather, landing of the tunneling in the open ground is carried out. It is preferable to choose the western or eastern side, illuminated by the sun and the place protected from winds, for planting. Experienced growers note that the more abundant Tunberia blossoms on calcareous soils. For curling flowers, it is recommended to prepare a support or pull cords, and when growing as an ampel plant, flowerpots, pots, baskets, etc.

The plant needs regular and abundant watering in the summer, then its decorative properties are manifested in the best way, but fertilizer should be fertilized occasionally, choosing for mineral fertilizing mineral complexes. Nitrogenous fertilizers, which cause increased growth of leaves and oppression of the development of flowers, it is better not to use. In very hot weather, in the morning or evening hours, spraying with standing water is carried out.

Tuna seed collection

Seed boxes appear on the spot of the polluted flowers of the tunnel. In order to stock up the seeds, the boxes are dried, open and take out seeds. That the seeds do not lose their germination, they should be stored in a dry, dark place for no more than two years.

Provision of wintering tunbergia

In a temperate climatic zone, open field tunneling is often grown as an annual. If an ornamental plant is grown on a balcony or veranda, you can arrange for it to winter. Kashpo with flowers before the onset of frost is transferred to a room with a temperature of +14 ... +18 degrees, shoots are cut off. In the winter, thinning is watered occasionally. When young shoots appear in the spring, they prick up the tops, and the weakened shoots cut off. In March, the plant is transplanted into a new container with a thick layer of drainage and a suitable earth mixture.

Diseases and pests

Often one can observe the fall of buds and flowers in Tunberia. This indicates a lack of watering. The appearance of mold indicates an excessive moistening of the soil. With lack of light, the foliage becomes rare and loses its color saturation. Sometimes tunneling is occupied by a spider mite , aphid or whitefly, which live on the underside of the leaves. The fact that parasites have been introduced can also be diagnosed by the sticky products of their vital activity on the foliage. To destroy pests, the plant is sprayed with soapy water or a water-alcoholic solution.