Sliding doors on rollers with their own hands

Sliding doors have a lot of advantages. They significantly save space, do not slam from the draft. The doorway with the sliding door does not have a door, the canvases themselves move easily and noiselessly. Of course, the rollers and the entire sliding mechanism need regular maintenance, so that the doors slip and do not creak.

The disadvantage is the high cost, which leads to thoughts about the manufacture and installation of sliding doors to their hands and. With some skills and the right tools, you can try to put this door yourself.

How to make sliding doors with your own hands?

Since the sliding doors are called so because of their sliding mechanism, you need to purchase a roller mechanism and guides. You need to choose them, based on how much you want to make the door leaf and what the doors will be made of. The weight of the canvas will depend on the load created by them on the mechanism and the whole structure as a whole.

If it is a single-leaf MDF door, its weight will be small and a simple and light roller mechanism is enough for it.

To make sliding doors on rollers with your own hands, we will need the following tools and materials:

  1. We do the markup . We need to make a marking for fixing the guides. You can simply attach the canvas to the opening and put marks on its upper edge, adding the height of the roller mechanism and the guide. Another way is to measure the height of the door from the floor with the tape measure, add to it 15-20 mm for the gap at the floor and the height of the roller mechanism with the guide.
  2. We fix the guide . And now set the guide along the planned line, it should be under the line. You can fix it with a screwdriver and screws with dowels directly to the wall, and you can fix it on special brackets or on a wooden bar.
  3. We start the roller mechanism . When the guide is fixed above the door opening, insert the mounting bolt inside the roller carriage and insert the roller mechanism inside. For a light door, two rollers are enough. At the top of the door we set with an indentation of 2-3 mm from the edge of the bracket for the roller carriages.
  4. We put the door leaf . When the entire sliding door system has been successfully installed by hand, it remains to put the door leaf in place. We raise it and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the door. It is better to do this together, so that the second person holds the door while you are working with the bolts.

It remains only to install the hardware. As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in the independent installation of the sliding door.

Sliding roller door in the villa

If you want to arrange a dacha and release space "eaten" by swing doors, you can easily and quickly turn a conventional door into a sliding one. You will need a door leaf, wheels, cornice, metal hinges, nails, paint, drill, screws.

We prepare the canvas: we grind it, we paint it in any color you like.

Screws screw the wheels in two places to the bottom of the door.

Top we fasten the metal hinges. They should later slide along the cornice, so pick up wide enough loops.

To the wall we fix the cornice: first one side, then insert the hinges and attach the second side.

We set the handle for convenience - and our door is ready!