What fish get along with guppies?

Guppies are quite peaceful fish. They will not offend their neighbors on the aquarium, as they are not capable of such atrocities. But other types of fish will be happy to pluck the tail fins of the guppies, thus causing them to suffer.

It will be best if you give your beauties a separate aquarium, then nothing will affect the development and reproduction of babies. But if you decided that not only guppies should live in a glass house, but other fish, you should understand which individuals get along with such favorites. Then your choice will not hurt their lives.

Compatibility of guppies with other fish

If you are not satisfied with the aquarium, which is inhabited only by guppies, you can try to populate them with other small fish that are not predators. Neon, some species of catfish (mottled catfish, somic-stick), gurus, botsia, tetra, small species of haracin fish, various kinds of corridors can get along well with their neighbors. But it is possible that one representative of these fish will show aggression towards small cohabitants.

Compatibility of the scalar and guppies . Some inexperienced aquarists are confident that the existence of these two fish in one pond will not lead to anything bad. They are convinced that peaceful and timid sclerias will be excellent neighbors for little darlings. But this is only so if the neighbors of the guppies are still fry.

Compatibility of guppies and swordsmen . These fish are not always ideal neighbors. In some hosts they get used to, and in some are enemies. After all, there are such cases when the sword-bearers bite their neighbors, and also eat their cubs. It is desirable that the aquarium had many vegetative thickets, they will help fish hide.

Compatibility of barbs and guppies . Fish are not recommended to plant in a common aquarium. After all, tail fins with a bright coloring of the second will become the target for the bites of the first. Therefore, you should pay attention to less aggressive fish than barbs.

Compatibility of guppies and goldfish . These two species can not be planted in one aquarium. This can even lead to the fact that the life of a small, harmless guppy will be threatened. Therefore, it is better to choose another candidate for a good cohabitation.

Guppies - these are exactly the fish on which beginners of aquarists should first of all pay attention. They are rather unpretentious to the conditions of the content, so they are distinguished by special survival. These lovely, small creatures with a large tail instantly fascinate the sight of any person with their graceful movements, and also with extraordinary beauty. But to fish lived in a calm environment, do not hide from aggressive neighbors, think carefully over who they will be in the aquarium. Or maybe it's better to leave some guppies.